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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. you need to examine the float valve. see if there is a noticeable ring worn around the poited end, or if there is a flake of rust or something stopping it from closing, take care there is a fragile gasket under the brass seat, see that it is fitted and intact. if in doubt you need a new one.
  2. The 175, although I hope to have it ready 9th, 10th, 11th July
  3. Airhead

    dt 125lc

    I dunno can you compare part numbers somehow?
  4. Went last year, not sure about this though I was planning going on the ACRD rally, Only thing is my bike is in bits and not MOT'd
  5. Airhead

    Dawn Porter

    Not heard of that one, i'll look out for it. My favourite is French connection merlot.
  6. Nice bike, so is the 1300 under 33bhp
  7. You say your battery quickly discharges after a full charge. Perhaps something is faulty and leaking away to ground, to prove this charge your battery and then disconnect the positive wire. Now reconnect this wire in series through a multimeter with the leads and switch set to read amps x 20. DO NOT attempt to start the bike like this or you may fry your meter or blow its internal fuse. You will see if any current is leaking away from your battery and can then start to unplug items to try to find the culprit...regulator rectifiers are usual suspects.
  8. It would be easier to do a compression test to eliminate this possibility
  9. Nice one Darren, i'm sat here in in Plymouth reading this and thinking where's my bike and what time is the next ferry. But alas it will be more likely a trip up dartmoor tommorow to look at the ponies with the missus.
  10. Check the resistance of the magneto stator coils Pulser white/red to black = 12.4 Ohm +- 10% Source coil, Brown to black = 420 Ohm +- 10% I wondered how the pulse occurs at the right moment too, dont worry too much about it though, just check with a strobe light and you will see it is correct. there will be some lines on the rotor and a line on the casing.
  11. you might want to read this, its not the only case I have seen on forums either.
  12. mmm piston...power valve...another collision??? The damage, is it at the exhaust port part of the piston?
  13. you will have no trouble finding these, I found them at busters but there are other places too http://www.busters-accessories.co.uk/productinfo.aspx?mode=b&manu=Avon&tier1=Tyres&images=on&tier2=Road+tyres&tier3=Avon&searchtype=keywords&tier4=AM43+AM44+Distanzia
  14. Airhead

    Taking Test

    Welcome Dave and good luck with the impending test
  15. Matt i'm not sure what you are asking me, I dont know of any way to test a CDI, as far as i'm concerened you have to test everythinh else in the ignition cct and if all checks are good then the only thing to do then is to replace the CDI, there will be resistance values for coils in the magneto and the HT coil for example As yours is an intermittent fault you need to do the test when it breaks down if we can find the values for your bike For now though I would do the test to see if the spark has gone when the engine is hot so were on the right track. So it is a CDI ignition then? Paul
  16. I'm wondering if you are losing the spark when the engine is hot. Get another plug, take it with you on a ride and when it cuts out test to see if it is sparking. is it a CDI ignition?...If so perhaps the pulser coil is breaking down when hot, you could prove this with a multimeter if you know the wire colour to the coil in question
  17. is the neutral light ok?
  18. The seal is by liquid gasket. By the way you can test by putting a pipe on the transmission case breather spigot into something like white spirit in a jar. watch for bubbles when the engine is run and revved. This will indicate a fault with the right crank seal or indeed crankcase half sealing.
  19. Alex knows about it, I emailed him yesterday.
  20. Its an odd one. Do you think the exhaust may be blocked up? I have heard of but not put into practice the 'vacuum cleaner test' whereby you connect a cylinder type vacuum cleaner to the exhaust (cylinder end) and if the vacuum cleaner races like it would with your hand over the end it is an indication of a blocked exhaust. Having said this though do as necessary with and baffles etc that are removable.
  21. if you only had the clutch in bits then you may have replaced the plain (non friction) plates unevenly
  22. Well if the choke is off and you are not WOT then you have problems The pilot jet should feature under these conditions. Have you seen daylight through this thing?
  23. Yeah come on Goff, give us mods a hand
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