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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. sorted what? Well was it what I said or something else some feedback would be good instead of 'sorted now' ! is there rubber rings between the plates on your clutch?
  2. May the fourth be with you Get In
  3. you need to be careful with the kickstart mech. You'll no doubt see a white plastic bushing under the spring. on the face of this bushing there are cutouts that go around the end of the spring, if the bushing is turned a little the end of the spring will not be sitting in the cutouts and this makes the whole assembly wider by the thickness of the spring...so the engine cover doesn't seat properly.
  4. yeah you can select all gears easily when the sprocket is turning
  5. just change the plug and give it a good tonking, isn't it obvious?
  6. Unhook the pull wire to the switch
  7. yes just drain the oil first, if you're really careful you may even be able to re-use the gasket if you don't tear it when you take the cover off, watch out for the kickstart spring end coming out of it's locating hole because that's a good bet to tear the gasket too!
  8. yep the tired old threads just pull out of the barrel, may need a helicoil if you cant achieve a torque spec on one of the studs
  9. you probably wont need to replace the plates, all thats required is to pull them apart oil the faces and re-assemble. Pay heed the plain plates go in a specific order so the cut outs are evenly spaced around the full circle
  10. Hmm sometimes that can be difficult too (from what i've heard)
  11. Happy birthday meatloaf
  12. Oohh a Raleigh Chopper
  13. you're wrong i'd say...of course you can change gear and see the sprocket goinig faster/slower. Just select neutral, it'll still spin though until a final drive chain is on
  14. Nigel Farage would never call the EU nice
  15. slice Pablo has stated the final drive chain isn't fitted, so in that case even with the clutch lever pulled in the sprocket will spin because of the 'drag' from the oil
  16. That's a beauty slice. good for you
  17. Does it stink the tent out bippo :0...mmm Butchers Tripe Mix...
  18. not being funny but I think you should get someone to look at this bike, it may be the switch it may not but if no use just replacing things you don't know are broken, lots of people have multimeters...BORROW ONE!
  19. check theres no split link first, it's only a low power bike so I'd fit one myself if there isn't one fitted
  20. why not test it with a multimeter
  21. yeah so anyway, what of the answer you were given ages ago...the one Ttaskmaster referred to?
  22. Airhead

    Tempus Fugit

    well within a day you do? Happy birthday both you guys
  23. Greetings mahou, yeah they are good first bikes...have fun
  24. have you tested the bulbs then, that's the obvious starting point?
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