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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead

    jog r

    47psi is way too low, 100psi is a good figure. How many miles has it done? did you do the test with WOT? if it is a compression issue you may be able to prove that with a squirt of oil in the pluh hole, this will help the rings seal(only initially) and it may then start ...Paul
  2. Welcome to the forum bee.
  3. Airhead

    DT175MX MPG

    90-100 yeah about right but working off memory now, our 'Cynic' actually uses his so he wont be working off long term memory, I really should do something about that
  4. Yes, sidestand down? a common error! Greetings...Paul
  5. The same amount of time it takes to add 20p per litre That pug looks like my 'Casper' when he was a much younger chap (14 now, deaf, grey and dont see so good these days)
  6. OK then change the plugs and try again. My suzuki Bandit is always a pig to get going after a winter lay off, I have to leave it to warm up and at first it doesnt fire on all 4. However as it warms I find i can open the throttle more and more until it runs properly. During normal use though I dont have to do any of this. Good luck, Oh and an oil change would be advised soon as well (check the level at first oppotunity)
  7. How many carbs, is it only one? I wouldnt rush into dismantling it if it is just one because one pot runs fine. is there a 'PRI' (Prime) position on the fuel cock? if there is, try that for a while.
  8. Greetings madpig, trikes the worst of both worlds to me, pissed wet through and stuck in the traffic. Having said that, if you love bikes ...
  9. Greetings Hen, nice bike eh?
  10. Should it have a brake light, even for a daytime MOT? doesnt seem a good idea to not have one .
  11. Shame about the tank and exhaust, dont throw them if there is a remote chance of repair yet eh?
  12. I'm gonna frame that ...and from you too
  13. Looks like he's just moving them on now he has what he wants??# http://belfast.gumtree.com/belfast/89/72496489.html
  14. Nice post Root, moved to Classics, edited title and pinned for a while.
  15. He used it on his computer screen when the ebay bids were getting too high.
  16. dont take no sh1t just because your a rookie Greetings Craw ...Paul
  17. Looks that way, I will add maybe the stand has to be in the up position too.
  18. Yep that should keep you busy, so whats the plan? get it going and legal, then get picky next winter?
  19. Welcome Cheers R6 for a first bike ...Paul
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