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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. not wasting any time then burnesy, you jumped ship eh Greetings and
  2. Nice intro Brian, take care and build confidence
  3. Greetings Nik post up a pic of the old yammie
  4. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=rs100&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&biw=1024&bih=540&tbm=isch&tbnid=UoHulR39kF8wtM:&imgrefurl=http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_rs_100_dx_1976.php&docid=v3i1HBlRvXWvQM&imgurl=http://www.bikez.com/pictures/yamaha/1976/10466_0_1_2_rs%252520100%252520dx_Patrick%252520Albrecht%252520(Erich%252520P.).jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=jOVsT5jND8ix0AWosaDBBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=111&vpy=211&dur=6516&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=136&ty=137&sig=109572796084677770194&page=2&tbnh=153&tbnw=204&start=10&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:10That straight one looks a bit like the one here...an RS100?
  5. so with the new carb i cannot see a main jet fitted...is there no screw thread below the needle jet? and the old carb air screw, it should be to the right and lower than the idle speed screw, can i see it under that crud? heres ours over here in UK, I checked the DT175E parts list and it's just the same by the look at it...see item 17
  6. Ahhh......too much air in the tank
  7. or you could invest in one of these, you can see the colour (yes thats 'colour') of the combustion and you are looking for a blue flame yellow= rich, blue = good to go, white = lean (very bad) Gunsons colourtune or i send you mine to heathrow workshop?
  8. Try a little blip of the throttle when the clutch is pulled for downshifts..it.works wonders
  9. if you set your idle to the slowest you can get away with (hopefully 1500), then start turning your air screw in (clockwise)...this should start enriching the mixture and at some point the engine should start to stumble. If you find you can turn it to less than 1/2 a turn fron closed without causing a stumble then clearly the pilot jet is too small and incapable of enrichening the mixture enough...change it for a bigger one (they are cheap so buy the next two larger sizes)
  10. see the other thread on harmonic vibes...same stuff applies
  11. yeah just google oil filter wrench chain Just had another thought about vibration! (at the risk of telling you how to suck eggs) Clutch plain plates need spacing equi-distant around a full 360 degrees...are yours? in fact you will see little circles marked on the edge of the clutch centre, 5 of them...this is where to place the little 'pips' on the edge of the plain plates...
  12. can you fit the pilot jet from your old carb into the new one, sounds to me like the pilot is too small in the new carb there is a number stamped into the jet, something like 22.5, 25, 27.5 etc...you need a bigger one than the one fitted, be very cautious about lowering the needle you may make it run lean...ohh it will feel ok but it may begin to overheat and risk heat seizures and other nasties
  13. Also check again you engine mounting bolts are tight
  14. heres how i get a grip of the rotor to tighten / undo the nut...saves getting someone to jam the brakes on in gear Under the filter wrench chain there are strips of cloth backed rubber cut from 'gardening / industrial' type gloves...works a treat
  15. whats the screw like a picture swould help
  16. take a hold of the magneto rotor and see if you can feel any movement there, if the rotor does start rubbing on the coils iron core it will cause a great deal of heat and trash the coils, i've seen the results but always assumed it was from a loose rotor...hey maybe its a loose rotor??? Did you torque up the nut to the specified amount?
  17. morning Richard Have you set the air mixture screw? screwed too far in it should give a rough lumpy idle, too far out should cause the engine speed to increase and be smoother, the right place to be is just where the roughness disappears. if it doesnt follow this pattern then the pilot jet size should be re-selected based on what you find how bad is the original carb? I have an ultrasonic cleaner and compressed air available, if you want to send it me i'll have a look-see?
  18. you stripped a thred in a plastic part? pictures?
  19. could be me barking up the wrong tree though, for all i know hes Australian, kiwi...who knows?...no profile...no intro
  20. just translated the description thus TUBES slightly pitted at the feet of lights bellows with a few small holes However, it will be necessary to change the seals
  21. heres what looks like a nice set of forks, seller will ship to uk, you'll have to ask the price of shipping, the gaitors alone would possibly fetch £30+ on uk ebay if they are not split! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270938361592&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  22. havent a clue but be accurate with your marking and drilling, and if you are passing screws (bolts) through plastic...perhaps use 'mudguard washers' under the screw heads? Click on the similar products tab for different sizes http://uk.rs-online....ashers/6667753/
  23. dont think they got the LC's in USA Jason...could be wrong though... bloody emissions killed off their strokers before they did ours. ridiculous considering the cars and trucks they drove at the time
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