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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead

    1972 G7S help

    Eeeek that pic...looks like the last view through Titanic's cabin widows your new battery will no doubt be pre-charged so if you havent got a proper bike charger just stick it on the bike and see how it goes
  2. dont bother until you have a few road miles done michael they will smoke a bit at first but it should clear...make a judgement then but i doubt you are over oiling. By the way havent you got a workshop manual?
  3. sounds like you have no battery power to me, without the engine running...does anything work?...fuse?
  4. DEP is make of a popular after market exhaust often fitted to DT125R's
  5. just remove what you can and blank off the pipe, it's to do with emissions. DT125RE's have this thing also and they have to do this when DEP exhausts are fitted...I have sent you a PM
  6. Airhead

    1972 G7S help

    Change the battery, i'd put money on it that it's no good from your description of it. Buying or finding the meter would be a good move also, then when the new battery is fitted you can check it's charging by measuring the voltage increase with engine running.
  7. Airhead

    barn find

    what about the cleaning !!!???
  8. unscrew the screw by about 7mm but leave it in, then tap the screw back into the bar end, keep it pressed in to the bar end and try pulling the thing off like that try posting smaller pics it takes an age to load and edit your mega mega pixels!
  9. yeah its annoying when posters dont follow up what they start!...not been back since Sept 2011
  10. nope they have written off May already :( :(
  11. Aye most of us just tell her ask her nicely if we can have another bike...like your style 'icedragon' Greetings and
  12. check tyre pressures steering head bearing play wheel bearing play suspension play
  13. Its wet and bloody freezing here
  14. Greetings OS nice bike the YBR, how does it perform compared to the R125?
  15. Greetings DF , your bike looks mint
  16. wow...you've got a door to Japan
  17. I wonder if forum member majormods will know? he's a dealer in US so might be of use?
  18. when you say 'The Block' are you quoting the number from the engine case, not something on the cylinder barrel?
  19. or two..a 106? thing is it WILL apparently run ok with the 102 but it will no doubt overheat and may burn your exhaust valve
  20. I think they are being a bit 'generic' saying VM24 - 44, the carbs are made specially for yamaha model specific, i'd buy the next one bigger...than? did you try raising the needle yet?
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