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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. it may have worn or glazed friction plates, continual riding in this condition will 'cook' them nicely if it's slipping
  2. i mean strip and re-build the original engine
  3. The right hand crank seal may be fauty, this side of the crank is in oil for the transmission, when these go it will burn transmission oil and not perform well. Take out the oil filler plug...can you smell petrol?...has the level dropped?
  4. try here and let us know how you go on, you can order by phone and they will post for a small charge, i have found them nice people to deal with and they should be able to identify what you need http://www.silvestermx.com/page2.htm
  5. 57/16 is right, perhaps you are experiencing clutch slip? can you see the revs change when you give it a handfull of throttle in high gears with no apparent change in speed?
  6. yes and you will notice he wasnt blipping the throttle...he was rolling it off
  7. not impressed at all with that, all i ever saw him do was LIFT the lever (upshift), did you actually see him press down at any time (downshift) like i said, for downshift...blip the throttle (do not do this going from neutral to 1st though with bike stationary) for upshift...close the throttle easy
  8. i have such a poor internet speed that video will take a while to buffer,
  9. no wonder you are having trouble, that guide is for DOWNSHIFTING, as i said in my last comment, for UPSHIFTING you need to close the throttle while the lever is lifted to the next 'higher' gear!
  10. shifting from 1st to 2nd is rarely a problem...usually it's the other way round that causes issues, I take it that when you are upshifting you do back off the throttle when you pull the clutch? When downshifting give the throttle a little 'blip' as you are pressing the shifter
  11. no idea Adam but why not sort out the original one?
  12. If its 2 months old and you are so near a dealer then why not get it checked out under warranty, you'll be out of warranty soon enough!
  13. Greetings Grover, nice to see you're enjoying it so much
  14. may do in the short term to get you going, paint the spokes and use jenolite on the rims to remove the rust?, perhaps a re-chrome next winter?
  15. Happy birthday merv, have a good one mate
  16. Greetings Andy, yeah the DTR/DTRE are great little bikes but be choosy about what you buy
  17. all i can say is keep an eye out on ebay Jerry, you should be in with a good chance in the states or if one is hard to find, perhaps something newer? http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=yamaha+bar+pad&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&biw=1024&bih=516&tbm=isch&tbnid=cvC7kGbeoD8OgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.becktonsmotox.co.uk/Renthal-Motocross-Bar-Pad-10-inch/254mm-Yellow/10.htm&docid=s6U7tJMlTU5XeM&imgurl=http://www.becktonsmotox.co.uk/photos/1.329342suzukisupercrossbarpadyellow.jpg&w=300&h=300&ei=0UjFT6WZDtSo8QPr8JW7Cg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=752&vpy=79&dur=6859&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=139&ty=118&sig=101395255537641240546&page=5&tbnh=143&tbnw=143&start=51&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:51,i:197
  18. Greetings Jerry and Great photos and happy memories eh? I see they are two different models, the yellow one being earlier
  19. Just listened again, ok i have another theory Because you are turning the engine very slowly, the compressed gas above the piston is leaking away as cynic said, you can hear that much but its the other noise you are concerned about isnt it? unlike when the engine is running and because the compressed gas leaked away...you are in fact causing a vacuum above the piston on the downstroke, when the piston uncovers the transfer ports air will rush in to this vacuum and at this point you will feel the kickstart lurch as it suddenly has an easy time, the noise is the air being sucked up the transfers
  20. about the noise Andy...was the carb and exhaust on then? Cant say I was concerned about anything I heard in the video, engines make all sorts of noises when stuff is unbolted like that!
  21. you can check the resistance of both the ignition coil and the magneto source coil, I expect the figures would be in the manual
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