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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Greetings Burt and which version do you have then?
  2. could it be fuel starvation...indeed could that have caused the original piston damage? check the fuel supply flow to the carb and if good then perhaps a carb strip inspection and clean
  3. Found it by google Richard, cant access the yamahaenduro.com website to investigate further though can you see it here? http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=3&oq=&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&q=%22173-+81153-10-00+is+supposed+to+be+for+the+at1%2fat2%2c+cs5+and+the+cs3%22&gs_upl=0l0l1l16250lllllllllll0&aqi=s656
  4. Greetings Gerbz a blocked pilot jet in the carburettor? does it start better with choke and then die without it? post it in another forum, this one is for intros
  5. seems you have a lot of luck keiran and all of it bad! did you check the resistances of the ignition coil, are they right?
  6. did you check your power valve is set up properly to fully open?
  7. Have you ever had the magneto rotor off? If so did you torque the nut up to the recommended specification? A rotor nut not torqued up properly will shear the woodruff key and render the bike sparkless!
  8. Airhead

    CDI Units

    mines still going strong, 40000 miles...1979
  9. yeah fix em both if you need any help...just ask we have a few USA DT owners on here who i'm sure would be glad to help out too
  10. my guess and that's all it is worn piston rings causing blowby and pressurising the engine block? But of course you should check the oil level is correct
  11. Thats how the fight started
  12. see my pinned topic in the dualsport section
  13. sounds like it's seized to me too. What exactly is a postie bike then?
  14. hissing is normal paul, try another spark plug
  15. I found it nigh impossible to torque every nut on mine due to various gubbins in the way, so i torqued the ones i could and did the others by hand
  16. is it possible to change this speedo then? or is the bike an import and no such change feature exists?
  17. is there slots in the maneto flywheel...any chance you could spray through the slots? spray WD40 at the seal when the engine is running...listen for a change in engine speed / tone to test the seal
  18. isnt the SRX a single cylinder bike? that looks a bit like a diversion or summat!
  19. you will need to open a photobucket account for yourself, upload your pics to your photobucket account, then you will be able to post them here...it is well worth your while learning how to do this because questions can sometimes be so much clearer when backed up by a photo see the FAQ's sub forum in 'New Members' for more explanation
  20. which side smokes more...the right (clutch) side ?
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