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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. the brake light runs from the battery The headlight is totally seperate and is directly powered from the magneto...so needs the key in position 2 possibly and the engine running and switches on. how many positions does your key switch have including OFF ? is it OFF, 1, 2, 3 ? on the left hand control is there an On / Off for lights ?
  2. Airhead

    Need an ID

    Looks like Haynes do a service manual, dunno if theres a parts manual yet http://www.haynes.com/products/productID/595
  3. It's near Sherburn in Elmet, not too far from Leeds, a very popular biker cafe / bar
  4. No problem with 4 bangers bippo, the more the merrier...ever been to squires?
  5. dont forget that there may be nothing really wrong with the regulator. It may simply be a bad connection, broken wire, insecure ground etc
  6. yep I've been missing Pat too, hopes he's OK and is only sick of us lot
  7. youre not copying the 'IMG Code' ....Thats the one to copy and paste in the forum, nearly there though
  8. Lets place bets on a: regular stoppies b: bent forks c: regular wheel lockups looks good though, is it going to stockport then?
  9. see FAQ's subforum to new members forum for pics Rob
  10. chances are Rob that it's only your battery thats sh4gged, get a new one and then do the tests on the charging voltages
  11. The key would have been the same as the ignition key unless someone changed either of them previously
  12. I have seen the USB turntable in aldi at some time, they'll probably be back http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/special_buys3_19125.htm
  13. For those of you with siver machines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7up1MzwxhI
  14. Very good interesting post there Mark
  15. Greetings mate and even if you've been around for a while eh Hey you've got some great bikes there
  16. Airhead

    Need an ID

    It's a 1973 YB100 https://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&q=1973+YB100
  17. Ha greetings Jamie bet I'm older than your pants! ,
  18. It is really unlikely that you will need either a float or a needle, usually the float needle valve may have just jammed sometimes a gentle tap on the carb with the wooden stock of a hammer will free it, but as we have said before the vacuum tap should be stopping the leak anyhow Starter motor?
  19. with hardly any mechanical ability I would think It's best to have the job done for you. It's sounds unusual that both should be leaking and I take it the stancheons are not pitted anywhere in the working area? is there a manual for this bike? it may be in the manual how to do it
  20. they all smoke and smoke a lot more until the engine is warmed up The pump will deliver a metered quantity, this isnt really adjustable...is it an issue there then? :greetings and
  21. You'll most likely have to go to a yamaha dealer dave, If thats not easy for you try phoning one Fowlers of Bristol if you cant find help locally, you'll need your model code I guess, is there a sticker somewhere on the frame...perhaps beneath the seat?...sorry i'm not familiar with the model but others on here have them
  22. Get it in your diaries everyone Friday 13th - Sunday 15th September
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