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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Achh Fraser please dont clutter up the intro thread with bike problems, post it somewhere more suitable this section is for hello's so hello greetings and
  2. yeah thats not a bad suggestion, cheap and available everywhere
  3. Greetings yendor, hey that was a stroke of luck eh ?
  4. Cleaning with compressed air alone isnt good enough kelum, you need to use one of those carb cleaner aerosols to disolve and dislodge the goo, and spray it into all orifices of the carb and jets...then do the compressed air blowing It might be best to keep carb cleaner away from rubberised parts though...such as diaphragms...remove these first
  5. yeh i'd go for the worn emulsion tubes suggestion capt, have a look at them you may see the bore looking a bit oval shaped?
  6. Mikes in Canada I reckon Cynic, yeah an intro in 'New Members' is good manners isnt it! But for now it's a 1980 IT125G, no doubt you'll see something like 124cc in the casting at the base of the cylinder?
  7. you'd have to post photos, see FAQ's subforum to New Members forum for 'how to'.
  8. Greetings Dave, thats a throttle position sensor code I think PM me your email and I'll send you something useful back
  9. I wouldnt recommend it, yours look too good. Better to have them re-chromed IMO, I'll grant you I havent seen them though. I had my DT re-rimmed and although they looked good I ended up searching out another set to have them chromed, at least they were the right shape. I was told a load of bollox that my original ones couldnt be chromed and bought it!!!
  10. yeah youre right, like the sticker says,,,Bigger Better speaking of sticker...re-manufacture it?
  11. well then it is no doubt constantly flooded and it'll never start like that! like I say leave the plug out for a few days it needs to evaporate off, you'll never get it started otherwise
  12. Hmm has it got a 'selenium rectifier' then ?...I remember those things
  13. Thats fantastic mate, its a bit early to ask but what works?
  14. perhaps all this attemped sparking has flooded the crankcase with petrol. am I right in thinking your sparkplug is constantly wet with fuel after your attemped starting?
  15. Its two carbs in one from what i understand of them, a conventional cable/slide carb side by side onto a CV carb. On the smallest throttle openings the cable/slide (carb 1) will do the work and as carb1 slide is opened further then the CV carb (carb 2) will chime in. At full throttle both carbs would be full open if they are set right. If it was running OK a short while ago and then suddenly a big difference then rather than something out of adjusment I would think something has failed...perhaps the carb 2 diaphragm ?...i dunno I'm no expert but thats where I would be looking at carb 2....the CV carb diaphragm? jet? intake rubber? Dont go messing with the adjustment screws unless you know what they do! For example on my TTR600 YDIS carb, I have to open carb 1 by 7mm and then adjust the sych screw so that carb 2 is just beginning to open at this point. It would benefit you to get a manual if you really want to learn about yours
  16. I'll ask yet again...is it sparking? have you checked the carb vent pipe isnt pinched or blocked?
  17. keep it washed with all this salt on the roads paul
  18. Greetings paul, did you get it then
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