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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. does it only happen when the engine is hot then...next time whip out the sparkplug and check if it's sparking, If not it may be a coil going open circuit under high temperature, it will be easy to check with a multimeter
  2. I'm more than happy with my bandit 600
  3. Greetings crossplane, i'm same as blackhat It's out of my league too is that i'm only just getting to grips with YDIS
  4. you may not even get it out after using caustic because you cant get a hold of it but I have an idea there...what diameter is the hole then?
  5. Greetings speedy, yeah that smell...If only you could bottle it, hey and they sound great too
  6. I thought this might come up, dont take any chances. long rubber gloves and a face mask are an absolute necessity...and a great deal of care and keeping kids animals away etc etc if you opt for this method
  7. yeah i'm thinking you overloaded and possibly melted some wiring? It's goint to be a tough one to solve
  8. Greetings Ben and DT125RE...Great bike
  9. Ahh I have another idea and a simple one to try. It sounds like water in the float bowl...typical power one minute and struggling the next! Undo the float bowl drain screw and drain some off, if theres water there it will soon be fixed
  10. Greetings Darren and welcome in Cant be much wrong we'll hopefully soon have her fixed up again
  11. Hi dazzler perhaps the main jet has come unscrewed or even fallen off? Please take the time to post a quick intro in 'New Members', Thanks
  12. yep nice one Richard
  13. Airhead

    Bike sold

    a 125 I assume jimmy?
  14. Airhead

    Bike sold

    course not jimmy...whats next then?
  15. Ben choke ON is whichever way lifts the plunger at the other end of the pivot I wouldnt rush into that carb clean before trying a few adjusments, you have the idle adjuster screw ( the big one with the spring on it) and also the air mixture screw. seems to me that its running out of fuel so try turning the air mixture screw clockwise 1/2 turn and then re-setting the idle using the idle adjust...aka throttle stop...aka tickover screw
  16. Thats just shit skrebs, very sorry to hear it!
  17. Airhead

    Yamaha LS2

    yes I clicked the link in post #5
  18. Airhead

    Yamaha LS2

    great, smells nice too not sure how to post images without using [img [/img tags
  19. Airhead

    Yamaha LS2

    Looks nice, like a smaller DS7
  20. Airhead

    Yamaha LS2

    For pictures see FAQ's in 'New Members' forum
  21. hard lesson learned, look after you chain oil and adjustment
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=E3mzhvMgrLE&NR=1
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