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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. it might be the battery Andrew, do you keep the electrolyte topped up?
  2. well done jimmy, todays 'top dad' award is yours
  3. nice one iceni, funny though how that could have happened
  4. I like your style preload
  5. +1 with that Numan, The usual thing is to tighten these things sympathetically until the point they stop turning...then clout the end with a heavy hammer...you are already tight so its worth a try before resorting to the destructive route eh?
  6. I did indeed. XS1100SF 1979
  7. no it doesnt matter steve, thats why they are all white
  8. Airhead

    Module 1

    Well done bippo I knew you'd pass it easy , from what I've seen those L plates have overstayed their welcome and they wont be there long now
  9. Greetings 'Hawkwind' (first gig I ever went to) yeah you;ll like the YBR they're a great machine, see you get a silver one Greetings
  10. fuse?...poor connection?...relay?
  11. 'Boner' will you be an upright pillar of our community? Greetings new member
  12. a CSI...Why, is this it? Yeah man, a Crime Scene well worthy of investigation +1 with cynic here...why do you want a CDI?
  13. Cheers Pat, looks pretty manky now though after all the rain going home
  14. Greetings Alex , yeah thats a big step up from the A J Stevens, just seems plain wrong seeing that name on cheap chinese bikes
  15. Great to meet some new people, yeah it was a good day barring the last 5 miles!!! group photo
  16. This is what I use, It's a chain filter wrench, I place some strips of fabric backed rubber cut from industrial type gloves under the chain for extra grip...it works very well
  17. I'll have a look if I've got one I can let go
  18. Determination and will power...well I guess without them you would have no chance....Good luck with it
  19. What chance have you of getting this done in Pakistan fakhir?, here in UK we have lots of enthusiasts, ebay and internet forums...what have you got?
  20. I think the later ones are awesome NEV honest...I miss mine dude... Youve got a heck of a lot of work to do and possibly expense too!...need to keep it cheap perhaps a trip to the stafford shows would be a good idea...theres two and the first is this weekend I'm with Cynic on the powdercoat...save the money and paint it, personally I'd spray with zinc primer and than gloss black myself...after a good de-greasing and sanding / brushing For photos I use photobucket, upload your pictures there and post the IMG links into the forum
  21. You're looking at the wrong feeler then sparky, they are usually set about right
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