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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Its an aluminium casting with cooling fins on the surface mine is on the back of the battery compartment behind tha chainguard so therefore it has a black chassis return wire from one of the mounting bolts. It has a yellow/white wire attached to it
  2. yes all except the headlight as I said...AC regulator looks after the headlight
  3. sounds like clutch slip check the adjustment it may be out
  4. the regulator and rectifier are different units.. The regulator is an AC regulator and will stop the headlamp bulb from blowing, it does not stop any of the other lamps from blowing...a good battery looks after the rest of the bulbs
  5. wont do you any good that one, just have a look yourself...use a magnifying glass if needs be
  6. Greetings John I was wondering why you chose that moniker...Thanks for clearing it up
  7. Greetings lantus, yeah thats a great benefit eh, oh and the fuel consumption on the ybr too eh?
  8. Airhead


    drewpy is a defect
  9. you'll see if the needle is worn, there will be a visible wear ring around it
  10. They do look good I must say,
  11. Ohhh the suspense is killing me wacha bought this time foamy
  12. best bet is to disconnect it from the throttle control and the check it takes the easiest route from the cable splitter back to the throttle, then re-connect it. Make sure theres no sharp bends or kinks
  13. yes but only if thats where it snapped...at the throttle control
  14. yep...I understand that dishwashers are good for cleaning all manner of things too
  15. could be a blocked pilot jet? or of course how about a badly adjusted idle screw setting...try turning it in (clockwise) 1/4 turn at a time
  16. Google translates FR to En with some degree of success http://translate.google.co.uk/#fr/en/
  17. they run perfectly well with the original magneto / cdi setup Not worth £££'s to change IMO
  18. It shouldnt have climbed to 8k revs! is the throttle slide in the right way round wih the cutaway facing the air filter box?
  19. yeah just had a look in the parts book, the bit with the arms on they call a clutch, I assume it has some flats inside the hole through the middle which locate on flats on the gear, and the two parts are held together by a circlip ? with this in mind surely you can see what the problem is here! dont forget the arms of the clutch must go between the raised out sections of the wheel hub so that it can be driven by the wheel's rotation...so offer the brake plate up to the hub correctly
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