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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. with all of you privately educated types, i must be one of the few on here who recieved a state education! iv got an inferiority complex now
  2. it might look a bit weird as the thou is a fair bit wider than the 4. If i was looking to fair a 4, id be looking for an R6 fairing to pop on.
  3. cover the back brake (^^^), in first ride up to have of the available revs, tottle along at this speed (will no doubt sound revvy). When you are ready, just whip the throttle open. Be prepared for it to come up fast (this is prob what happened to you the other day). I find standing on the pegs makes this a lot easier. go steady.
  4. hey, welcome. you might wanna check out wiltshirebikers.co.uk, unless you are already on there. they do loads of good ride outs. where in south wilts r u?
  5. pilninggas


  6. on a point of clarity as has been said above you can do your test on a 125 (e.g. your existing bike), however if you are 21 or over you can do Direct Access on a training school 45bhp+ motorcycle (you have to be with a DSA approved instructor or an examiner) and you can ride anything you want after passing your test (there are no 33/44bhp/whatever restrictions). i think you've answered your own question though, if you like your bike and dont wanna trade up, do your test on your r125 (do a little top-up with your favourite riding school) and either keep it or follow the above advice. btw welcome
  7. the kids i teach made me laugh today in a similar manner, one has just put a flash exhaust on his speedfight and its gone from doing 49mph to 51mph, he was ever so chuffed about it, i was pissing myself laughing! how long til ur seventeen and you can ride the jawa?
  8. i tend to give my chain a coat of lube every other time i use it. If it hasnt been lubed for a while, it really needs cleaning with petrol and a toothbrush and then careful application of spray on lube. on a bike like an mt-03, you need to replace the chain if its got tight spots (as ^ says singles suffer from this) or if reached its limit of adjustment. chains should not be overly noisy, maybe this is down to tight spots or a knackered sprocket carier bearing. I'd check the wheel hasnt been put back in less a spacer as i have seen this before and it can cause problems.
  9. ive been getting something similar, so went to see the doc last week, he reckons its calculus in my neck caused by my bike crash in february. having landed on my head, my neck got jerked and he said my body was trying to heal the damage by depositing bone on the existing bone, this is causing my nerves to doing all kinds of weird shit, have you had any trauma to your neck, arms or shoulders in recent years? might be worth checking out. another posibility is armour in a jacket putting pressure on nerves in your arms or mucking up blood flow.
  10. steve, its eastern bloc tat, you gotta expect people to take the piss. jawas are naff but you gotta ignore it. i wanna buy a trabant, total rubbish really but thats what i want. Just roll with the punches and pretend to be a die-hard commie
  11. if you fit any of the 'blue-spot' 'gold spot' type calipers from R1, R6, thunderace, thundercat, fazer etc, make sure you fit an R1,R6 master cylinder, without it the FZR1000 will have brakes so wooden you will swear that the front end has been replaces with sheathing ply! also check the run of the pads on the disk, you may have to file a little off of the lower edges of the pads.
  12. i think england would be fine 51million people, a decent economy (present matters aside). Scotland, NI and wales would probably be ok in the EU, england would be able to consider carefully if it were to opt out or not. btw the oil really belongs to multinationals, but i guess scotland could wack a big tax on oil exports (scotland would be the 14th largest exporter of oil after iraq!!). Fair play to scotland with the whisky, i wouldnt drink whiskey or bourbon or any of the other poor imitations! For distribution of tax around the uk, google the barnett formula, one of the most racist, anti-english pieces of government manipulation since ww2.
  13. fcuk we're run by scots, i genuinly believe that the constuent nations of the UK should all go there own way. We'd be able to look after our interests. NI would be able to have a referendum to decide whether it runs itself or undergoes secession into the republic and we'd move towards democracy. The present system is highly anti-english with the barnett formula, the west lothian question, 2-tier tuition fees etc. Labour are only in power due to the over representation of the celtic nations within the union, in england they could potentially be the third place party (they might be anyway with absolute mess theyve be making for the last twelve years). I think any right minded scot, welsh or unlsterman (person?) would endorse devolution for england (soveriegn, economical and social), as it would allow them to decide their own governement and independence. Sinn Fein/plaid cymru/SNP are all seen as repectable centre-left parties in their own nations (plaid to a lesser extent, as labour remain strong in wales), england needs its own party with relevance, unfortunately the conservatives and ukip remain commited to the union and take nationalist english vote. i'll just put my soap box back in.
  14. yeah a bit of a pain to get to stuff, but then ive been working on an fzr1000 for 9 years so it seems highly accessible to me! mine can with an aftermarket exhaust and most that are from the 90s seem to be running something no-standard. did 220 miles yesterday afternoon and didnt have any aches and pains at the end, the sports bikes iv owned would be making me ache a little.
  15. shed hermit your in ireland, no offence but wouldnt you surely be going for TD in the Dail?
  16. i bought one a couple of months ago, they are............brilliant! not massively fast, but im sure you know that anyways. Great handling, punchy, decent economy, i really rate mine and it seems less likely to catch me out than a sports bike. go for it, you'll love it.
  17. i had this happen to me in a petrol station in central bristol, a guy came charging over to me from his beemer X5 (a drug-dealer type) and had a pop at me, he said he was gonna push my bike over, i laughed and said 'dont worry its been dropped before, but if you do, ill be up on top your motor dancing on the roof till it caves in', he shut up and wandered off muttering to himself.
  18. lol, i dont think simon (1040exup, the op) even has that bike anymore, iirc he's riding a busa now!
  19. difficult to diagnose without seeing the bike, but if it worked before you changed the bulbs, maybe the connector isnt on properly or maybe you got grease or fingerprints on the bulb and its overheated and blown.
  20. a few guys on exup1000.co.uk might have wat ya want (mods i hope you dont mind me posting this site)
  21. another kid, who comes on here and procedes to tell us whats what! Cant see the problem with the brakes, so i won't comment, however a pillion with no helmet is very silly, only 1/4 mile? make her walk. Don't come back Chav.
  22. pilninggas

    HI guys

    stonking bikes. A jock from wales, lol!
  23. i'd be very surprised if you could get an off-the-shelf restrictor for this bike. You may be able to take it to a dyno shop, see if they will put a stop on the throttle, so it can only be opened a small way or some other such mod so that it only makes 33bhp. and prove it on their dyno (you could keep the print out as proof).
  24. lol, pm goff, she's near you!
  25. you probably wouldnt get a dremel type device in to cut the head off, the only way to get to it is to go staight into the top of the head hence drilling it out. I guess you could put a bit in the dremel, but what you want is slow, with a HSS bit and with a preference for torque.
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