Everything posted by pilninggas
Gutted - dented fuel tank
the previous posts are 2 1/2 years old - he's probably long over it.. might be worth starting a fresh thread for your own XJ6 query.
Free ads
I remember one that was in the Videogames and Computers section of the local rag, about 20 years ago: For sale Commode 64 comes with games and cables.
Yamaha YZF R125
Welcome Ryan, There are a range of useful threads about the R125 on this forum, have a search around. Things to be wary of: Check the cost of insurance, this bike ain't cheap to insure. Check for poor maintenance and badly done mods (it was always like this with L-plate bikes) Check for crash damage. The seat height is not low (as is the fashion), but it is very narrow, so will probably only be an issue if you are under 5'6" - sit on a few at the dealer to see what you think. Bloody expensive for what they are though............
Top box for new XJ6
Welcome to Yamaha Club. I have an XJ6 and am familiar with the luggage options, Givi, SW Motech, Yamaha and Rentech all make reasonable kit for this bike, as the bike is quite new the prices are higher, than say a bandit, but they will fall with time. Here is a link to the stuff that Givi make: http://www.givi.co.uk/My-motorcycle/?ma=YAMAHA&mo=XJ6---XJ6-Diversion---XJ6-Diversion-F-600-09--11 My setup is here: http://yamahaxj6.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=tech&action=display&thread=146 I am running Givi PLXR racks, a genuine Yamaha Monolock topbox rack (fits Givi, Kappa, Spada, Yam monolock topboxes) and Kappa sidecases (Givi V35 clones). I do quite a bit of continental touring so need the right kit.
TDM850 Tickover problem - Jetwash?
Coils with leads, plug caps and plugs ran me £45 all in. But starting with no idle and then going bad when warm is a classic problem with the mikuni family of CV carbs fitted to these bikes. The problem is that the emulsion tubes have worn (needle jets). This permits fuel to flow, in addition to the metered idle quantity and the bike is over-fuelled (hence why it starts without choke). This is an absolutely known problem and is fixed by replacing the tubes - sadly something you cannot do on a 2000 model tdm850 (the tubes are not removable), you have a few options that i am aware of: 1) fit carbs from a 96-98 4TX, these have replaceable tubes. 2) lower the fuel level; remember that if you are doing this on the bench, using the factory pro technique (google it), that it will be back 'back to front' when you bend the tangs - will work but may make the bike lean at high load (dodgy). 3) Drop the needles a few notches - if you can, sometimes works. You need to go on the carpe forum for a full run down on the problem. I bet your electrics are still iffy though and what you are observing is the combined effects of both problems. I have had these issues on both my old TDM and my FZR - i could rebuild one of those mikuni set-ups eyes-closed. This is a reason, that often big, old yams change hands over and over with the seller tellin the buyer "it just needs a new air filter and plugs", when they really meaning they never figured it out, and can't be arsed any longer.
George White's have gone bust
http://www.motorcycl...administration/ in a way not surprised, the xj6s i have at the moment cost me £4k from there, less than most used ones were selling for - the zx6r i bought there in 09 was so cheap, when i got knocked off and it was wrote-off i made a £400 profit! (and kept the 2 paddock stands and other freebies they chucked in). Their business model was stack 'em high sell 'em cheap - i reckon they did a bit too much stackin', not enough selling. They were also clearly concerned about this business model and the high price of jap bikes that the floor was not that full when we last went (xmas week), and much of the stock was the italian stuff they had diversified into. They moved to their new showrooms in Swindon (from manchester road) not long before the credit-crisis, and although the 0% deals helped, we often wondered how they stayed solvent. Shame for some of the folk who worked there - some were unhelpful and probably were part of the demise. I have to say the after-sales was rubbish, they didn't register my xj6s with yam uk for 2 months until i threatened to kick up a stink (meaning my warranty was not ready to go and the free RAC cover wasn't on the system). The shop and the 'auto-jumble' were quite good for kit, but i bet many of their smaller rivals in abingdon, gloucester, cheltenham, cirencester, trowbridge etc are breathing a collective sigh of relief as they must have been taking a lot of business away (ruthless, tight toe-rags like me!).
- TDM850 Tickover problem - Jetwash?
XJ6 Upgrade Help
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DYNOJET-POWER-COMMANDER-PC-5-YAMAHA-XJ6-N-D-E22-008-/140584818707?pt=Ricambi_e_Accessori_Moto&hash=item20bb821813 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dynojet-Power-Commander-PC-V-Yamaha-FZ6R-2009-/380137202786?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5881f16462 also http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CENTRALINA-COMMANDER-YAMAHA-FZ-6-R-09-11-TECNOPOWER-005-/250800028087?pt=Ricambi_e_Accessori_Moto&hash=item3a64d8b9b7 btw the airbox of the xj6 is bigger than the fz6 - i did see it written somewhere. i would definitely get it on a dyno - you don't want to wreck the engine for the sake of £40 and a bit of advice from a tuner.
- XJ6 With Xmas Pressies
XJ6 Upgrade Help
Great that you have fitted fz6 throttle bodies, i would think that the airbox is not going to be that restrictive. Maybe you need to turn your attention to fueling. if (am i am trying to remember) you have gone from 32mm (standard xj6 body dia?) to 36mm (fz6 body dia?) that equates to an increased cross-sectional area of about 25% - you then need to add more fuel to compensate. The XJ6s ecu may be able to enrich the mix to some amount when cruising (due to closed loop / oxygen sensor effects), but other than that the injectors will never be supplying enough fuel to match the increase in air. Not sure if the fz6 injectors are the same parts as xj6, if yes maybe a power commander and a run on a dyno/autotune would do the trick. How does the bike feel when ridden? a guy on the american forum, was toying with fz6 or r6 cams, and i guess ultimately you might need to do that as well (maybe transplant in an fz6 head?) and even look to raise the rev ceiling (though bigger bodies and a power commander might suffice).
have a good christmas (all 1 hour left of it!!!) and a good new year.
thunderace engine change
Unless you find a low-miles engine it will burn oil. The consensus amonst EXUP-enthusiasts is that the valve seals wear/harden and oil gets down and is burnt off in the cylinders (sometimes if a biker-mate is following, they will report a blue smoke on the over-run). It's a dificult call, unless you can find a cherished engine (won't be cheap), you can either just get used to a total-loss lubrication system (not ideal) or do all 20 valve seals (with a risk the problem might be something else, like rings and remain).
2010 xj6n tail tidy
Well if you want to keep the OE indicators, then the choices are fewer - the genuine Yam tail-tidy and maybe one or two others (e.g. some R&G stuff). The OE indicators have a 'stretched' pentagon shape and most tail-tidies only have a 9mm dia hole (or similar) and the genuine indicators won't mount up.
XJ6 Parts
Dan, Have trawl through ebay - if you select EU search you will find nice huggers, lights, mirrors etc from across the continent for the XJ6, and none will be charged duty (as local VAT is paid at source). Our continental friends really seem to have a wide range of bits for the bike, more so than UK sellers.
where the fuck is jim
Good to see you on here Jim.
where the fuck is jim
Blackhat must have his number, someone needs to give BWJ a call just to see. Come on Jim, where are ya?
RIP Marco Simoncelli
What a sickening crash. RIP.
foamy, any good, near you too: http://www.wiltshirebikers.co.uk/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1307357403
2006 R6 43000miles. How much is it worth?
Well you can see it from the dealers view, the mileage means that it will have to be priced quite low to move it off of the shop floor - they may even move it straight on, as they maybe dubious of comebacks at that mileage (go on autotrader and look at the number of small dealers who specialise in big-dealership trade-ins which have bigger miles on them). Also take a look on evilbay at some of the high-mileage bikes (and cars) and look at the money they seem to fetch (auction fever?) As it is tidy, with lots of bits surely a private sale would be better - as it is only 5 years old, i bet you'd get a decent price if you sold it yourself. Either as a useable higher mileage machine or as a very sorted track bike. Me, i'd stick it on the bay following all the usual safety rules with a £1800 reserve. HTH
that is an astonishing mileage, the BT021s on my first XJ6 didn't last anything like that long. As for replacements, any sport-touring tyre will be okay - i personally get whatever is on offer or has a decent deal. In the ideal world, i'd run pirelli diablos, as on my fzr1000 - pirelli dragons and diablos always felt the best and gave the most mileage.
touring europe 1953 style
Some great pictures - got massive respect for those guys. It's easy now, i assume back then at each border visas had to be arranged etc.
Tires for YBR125 09 shipped to Antigua?
Google FWR, they are in Kennington, London - i think they ship to a lot of places. Also give M&P a call, i think they do international shipping. Alternatively i'll bring them over personally and free if you cover the airfare!
check your insurance abroud
yeah you gotta be careful and this is a dreadful reminder. There are only a small number of travel insurance companies that cover 125cc+ riding abroad, from experience you have to read the small print yourself, the people who sell it often are not 100% sure themselves (stupid). Obviously this is an unusual case, but high-risk activities are either not covered or require a premium. Quad-biking is quite a risky activity and I guess many travel-insurance firms would not want to know or would have to add a significant loading. I hope they get some positive resolution.
MT-03 cutting out and stuttering.
Isaac, You need to be persistent with this - you have just bought it, it is not functioning correctly, it is not for you to rectify it is for the dealer. The problem you are experiencing is dangerous, tell the dealer this explicitly and tell them that you will be leaving the bike with them as you do not feel safe riding it (maybe take a pen/paper with you and if they are lacking in interest, put your complaint into writing and give it to the manager). Talk to consumer direct/ trading standards. Presumably you have paid a decent chunk of money for this bike, the dealer should be trying to sort this out quickly. Anything less is not really acceptable (push for a courtesy bike if poss, why should you be inconvenienced for something out of your control?). btw, only a guess but if the bike was standing the battery is probably shot, which links to the symptoms you are experiencing. GL Also please introduce yourself in the noobs area, asap.
Barmy EU plans
Great pictures NEV, we blocked up all 3/4 lanes of the M5, at 30mph, we then split up and the group I was with rode further up the M5. Was a bit hairy at the end and the mob dispersed. My mate and me watched all of the cars roll through slowly. Great fun in the outside lane at 30mph. What needs to happen now is for this to happen every 2 weeks until further notice. I doth my cap to all riders (be it yam, kawa, harley MZ, custom, trike, lambretta or whatever) for showing true unity.