Everything posted by pilninggas
Help lowering an R6
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-YZ-YZF-R6-YZF-R6-Lowering-Kit-98-02-/--25mm-link_W0QQitemZ230398904369QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=118013728382&rvr_id=118013728382&cguid=fc7bae5d1260a0e20317a927feaa67d4 not cheap for 2 bits of metal. The ones on my FZR1000 i made at work, as we have powder-coating stuff. ^^^^ is right, longer dogbones = lower ride.
- Dominoes
Which 600 do you prefer?
Just one little piece of info: I had a brand new ZX6R 18 months ago, a superbly engineered machine dripping with technology, awesome handling, awesome braking,,,but,,, Rubbish below 9500rpm, couldn't pull the skin of a rice pudding and paradoxically tall but cramped. I now have an XJ6 which is an all together simpler 600cc machine and it will do most things that i want better, and is far less likely to be nicked. Don't believe all the hype (by the way i also have an FZR1000 which i've had for ten years, and no 600cc will ever match a litre bike for torque and driveability). In real terms the CBR600, ZX6R, R6 and GSXR600 are all made to the same specifications. There is little to choose, maybe your uncle as a racer can find the differences, and most people buy either because they favour a certain brand or because the deal was right.
Fazer 1000 intermitent engine fade/dying
What it is saying is that the MAP sensor which looks at manifold pressure and the air pressure sensor are giving differing readings. The map sensor is continuously variable and sees everything from a vacuum at closed throttle, to atmospheric at WOT (as there is nothing to stop the air 'dropping' in). The atmospheric sensor looks at the ambient air pressure and compensates the fuel injection when at high altitude etc, where there is a pressure variation. My guess would be that one of these sensors is failing, but what you need to do is find out what kind of reading they give at atmospheric and run a diagnostic. I know with my XJ6 i can see from the diagnostic what pressure the intake is reading without the engine running (mine only has the one sensor), something like 101KPa or 1010mBar is the norm. of course it could be a dodgy connection, though i do think Yam's electrical connectors are of a fine quality.
just4riders.org are very good and are in glos, i am in bristol and also ride an xj6.
RIP Alex Hurricane Higgins
Sorry if you misconstrued what i meant. I just felt it was a shame that he had been unable to get past everything. I'm so grateful for him bringing the modern game to snooker, and injecting the sport with charisma. I hope he finds peace now - RIP.
RIP Alex Hurricane Higgins
Yes RIP, shame he had become a shadow of his former self as he fought his demons.
Yamaha Dragstar
Do halfords have branches in Bermuda?
tdm 850
i'm pretty certain that they are...but not 100% unfortunately.
5 minutes in - someone tries to kill me!
RIP Headman
Anyone considered using Lubro Moly?
i know this thread is a few days old, but anyway do not use stuff like this in a bike, certainly not a 4-stroke anyway. Its a friction-modifier (which is in many car engine oils as standard) and will quite possibly make the clutch on a bike slip. You have been warned! p.s. it says it gets rid of blue smoke, so kinda destroys the object of riding a 2-stink, sorry 2-stroke!
Yamaha XJ6
i have one, as does barkwindjammer and i think it is excellent. Okay the chassis has its limitations (if you ride it to the ragged edge) and the engine is tamed, but it does so many things well i ain't complaining. I'm sure it would make a great machine for a novice.
Online parts ordering - any recommendations?
yeah, i think the halfords by me stock yuasa for bikes- definitely branded anyway.
Online parts ordering - any recommendations?
wemoto.co.uk are quite reasonable and good. Ask them if it comes with the acid - i bought batteries from them in the past. Also halfords do bike batteries if that helps.
Barky call in mate i just read this news story
Apparently bouts of this mystery illness affect England 4 or 5 times per year, when a team in blue walk onto a field, which is sometimes called 'Hampden'. fortunately not many people in England are badly affected, as not many care about this footballing back-water in the celtic fringes!
FZR 1000
the connections may look ok, but check them - if the battery connections are loose the minute you try to start it will die. my fzr will do this if forget to tighten the battery terminals up properly.
Happy Birthday alexigno
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
tdm 850 flat spot
yer needle jets are worn....google allens perfomance who supply the OE needles and jets. stick to OE sizes if possible, Dynojet will wreck the fuel economy.
Insurance, pay in lieu
there in lies-the-rub, i reckon. Hire bikes cost a lot maybe £120 a day. What they want to do is settle, so the bike hire stops and saves them money ultimately. years ago i was hit in an accident which wasn't my fault, i had a hire car. Anyway when i estimated the car was worth only £500 they sent an assessor out within 4 days and settled with 7 days. Far cheaper than the hire car (which incidentally was a 4x4, as i had insisted on a car with a towbar, apparently costing them £100 a day)
Happy birthday, Bark !!
Have a good one, Jim.
Fazer running on 2 cyclinders
maybe one of the coils is knackered- gives these kinds of symptoms.
like many yamahas, it probably needs you to use 'special damper tool' to undo the bolt that holds the caboodle together. I haven't done it for years, but you can hold it to undo the allen key underneath the fork using a piece of dowel (9mm or 12mm maybe) instead. It needs to be long enought hat you can tap it into place with a hammer. google around for a workshop manual, they are out there on the cyberweb
Happy Birthday 2 U etc etc etc
happy birthday chaps, 'head & 'hat!
Dawn Porter
i have to say i found the program she did on Lezzie Love, very educational and poignant. .....or just rather fruity!!!
Broken Britain
jim, i just watched them.... no surprises really, i live on one of the toughest estates in Bristol and other than the accents, it could be here. Far too much dole, if these people had to work to survive they would either be very different or would not exist. i love how either everything is either someone else's fault or they are ill (depression, brought about by a life with no purpose)- cancer victim aside. I see they have all got nicely decorated homes with the latest TV - you and i are paying for that. The worst bit though is the slapper who is pregnant, sits and explains it so nonchalantly (as she doesn't have to pay for the kid, we do) whilst puffing on a fag...the poor unborn sprog will have an addictive personality even before it learns of it's dubious parentage and the joys of a buckfast-irn bru cocktail!