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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. Could be that the side-stand switch has got displaced or damaged (stops you riding off with the stand down). Maybe the clutch switch has got damaged (cant remember if mine had one, but sure it did). Most likely though the drop switch has activated - this is a device that switches the engine off if it falls over, so the bearings don't get oil-starved and so the back wheel isn't turning and doesn't pose an injury problem. Have a look in the manual or give your dealer a call.
  2. yes it will do this, it is a low-pressure type and it pumps up the pressure to maybe 8psi, so that the carbs are getting fuel. [very carefully and bearing in mind flammability (fire ext)] remove a feed pipe from a carb, put pipe into a petrol-proof dish and turn the key on, if you get petrol all good.
  3. funny how a 2008 thread has been brought back to life.......
  4. pilninggas

    Van required

    i have a motorcycle trailer, but as im in bristol its a bit far. Have tried van hire? I found a hire place near me who did a days van hire for £25 if you booked via the net (this was june last year though). Merv
  5. Awesome GR tune: RIP Gerry Rafferty
  6. never heard of it - and i'm still none the wiser.
  7. Jim, what on earth is this thread aboot? it makes absolutely zero sense to me!
  8. for non motorcycle stuff, the Victoria and Albert, the Science and the Natural History museums are all exceptional visits.
  9. Hey Pat, have a good birthday fella. All the best. Merv
  10. take it of and cut it o with a hacksaw or file it away - a jigsaw would just make a mess.
  11. FullpowerJoe, you now have three threads about this and i do feel maybee i need to give you a little input. There are some broken XJ6s out there in Breaker-land, so you might be able to find one. Your bike does not have carbs though - it is efi. Also 2009 and 2010 xj6 parts are the same, but fazer 600 parts most likely won't fit as it runs bigger throttle bodies (i think 36mm, against 32mm for the XJ6). how big was the part? i'm guessing it's just the throttle cable pulley at the throttl-body end, that provides the restriction, mahybe with a different stop? can you not buy one from fowlers? googling around reveals that the restriction costs £18 from yamaha, so it can be that much different? if you can photograph the throttle pulley, i might be able to hlp further.
  12. thats a high figure http://www.classicmechanics.com/news/an-exuptional-machine
  13. yeah my neck of the wood. The old boy did the right thing. I remeber a few years back my old mans drive getting blocked, so i popped the lock on the offending motor and pushed it out of the way. The problem for the old boy, is he did it when kids were around (the lazy cnut who blocked his garage was on the school run) and i think this meant his defence was weakened. i think the old bill should have also prosecuted the obstructor too, but then Avon and Soms constubulary have a real indifference to alll sorts of poor parking.
  14. mmm, weird. With LED tail light/brake lights, usually the with the brake on the LEDs glare and are too bright to look at for too long. With just tails it is not too bright. guess there is a wiring issue then or the unit is faulty
  15. isn't it supposed to be on all-of-the-time? my XJ6 tail light and 'side' light were always on, if the ignition was on.
  16. pilninggas

    Rip off dealer

    as a matter of point, doing a service yourself should not dishonour your warranty provided: 1) you use OEM parts. 2)you do it to the correct schedule (check-points) 3)you are a competent person. on the OPs original point, i bought my XJ6 (now gone :-( )from devon, and phoned my local dealer about the initial 600mile service. They wanted about £120 (far better than the OPs quote- but still steep for a check-over and oil), so i thought id have a day in Devon and go down for the 'freebie' service [parts only charge]. the 6000 mile service i did myself, got hold of Yamaha's checklist and went through every point (checked it off etc). 'Stamped' the book with some watermark-style labels i made myself. I do not think yamaha UK would be able to not honour the warranty with full documentary evidence. job was a gud-un til the bike met an untimely demise (damn renault meganes)
  17. i'd say it sounds like knackered coils.
  18. have you tried looking down the back of the sofa? when i lose things thats usually where they are.
  19. A PROPER HELLO TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF IS GOOD FORM. caps lock off, phew, 2 basic ways to block AIS off, depending on bike etc. 1.On your FZ1 (i assume) you can probably buy a graves block-off kit. 2.A pipe runs from the airbox to the exhaust valves, you can block this up. I used some thick plastic bag on my xj6. I have heard off people using a ball-bearing, a marble, sealant etc. Whatever you use make sure it cannot fall back into the airbox and do damage to the throttle bodies and inlet.
  20. check out wiltshirebikers.co.uk also for like-minded moonrakers.
  21. glastonbury is the arse-end of civilisation anyway mozzy, wasn't here when you are on previously - but i am now. I'm in Brizzle.
  22. Should i ever buy a new bike again?

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