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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. Most versions of the FZR400 have an exup valve - this alters exhaust back pressure to change the state of tune dynamically. It's located where the downpipes meet, they are prone to seizing up and if the bike has been unused, it'll be seized in the closed position. It'll probably have a chromed cover, underneath this will be a cable operated pulley (the cables may also be seized) if this pulley doesn't turn you've found the most likely cause of the problem, you can rev the engine whilst looking at the valve and see if the pulley turns, there are also calibration marks to set the pulley too. Sometimes the servo that controls the system can fail, so this is also any area to explore. There are literally 1000s of web articles and advice about testing, servicing and repairing exup valves.
  2. the thingy is either the 'ivan fuel cut eliminator' or the fuel line mod or both. I have an FZ1S and it is a storming bit of kit, that'll give any bike a battle
  3. Very underrated machines. Enjoy it. And look at my sig.....
  4. yes they will - not exactly sure but you might need to file a bit of ally away on the fork (i did on my FZR). Do not run bluespots with original master cylinder, you will have horribly wooden brakes - get a master cylinder from a bike that runs 'spot' calipers: R1, R6, FZ1 etc.
  5. Obriens, don't forget Easter weekend is rammed full of motorcycle activities. As much as I love a run up the A4 or A30 to the Ace, that is my ride. I'm sure it has a massive pull, maybe from people like you, a few miles outside of the M25. If I lived inside the 25, the last thing I'd want to do is ride the North Circular on the weekend. There are so many roads to explore away from London.
  6. Thanks for the response link - the comments below it say more about Brand than I ever could, I must keep a link to it. Brand cannot with all good conscience say he 'does not want to become one of them', when his actions suggest he is nu-establishment. You could easily say the banking system flaunted loop-holes, you could say the parliamentary expenses system was a loop-hole and these were both thoroughly exploited by the establishment he somehow rejects. If Brand's next production is funded by crowd-sourcing and his next book only sold via his website, I might just believe his hype, but there is no chance of this whatsoever. Perhaps everytime he appears on the BBC (which criminalised 100,000 women last year through it's punative taxation) he uses the cash to buy licenses for a few - we know that won't happen, he'll trouser the money and waltz away in limousine with a smile on his boat. Brand can only be saluted for one thing: pulling Katy Perry......
  7. So Russell Brand who also 'managed to get money' is also upper-middle class? if i use your metric, yes. Perhaps using class labels is divisive? Can you post a link to Brand's response? Here is the link to Brand getting owned: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/disgruntled-rbs-worker-writes-hilarious-open-letter-to-russell-brand-after-anticapitalist-publicity-stunt-leaves-him-hungry-9930135.html Brand should really not be getting up in people's faces - if he did that in this neck of the woods he be on in ass in a flash, fair play to the victim of his daft stunt who kept their cool. Isn't Brand one of them? didn't he become of them when he decided to appear on Newsnight and belittle someone with different views to his own? Did Brand object when Amazon sold his book? no, he doesn't mind them using tax avoidance, if it feathers his own nest. Brand thrives on grabbing the limelight in some really unsavoury ways. I remember clearly being in my car and hearing Brand (and Ross) make a revolting call to Andrew Sachs, about his grand-daughter, it took the bloke 6 years to apologise. To paraphrase you, Id love to see Brand 'fade into obscurity', but I suspect he'll be media-whoring himself for a long time, railing against some imagined 'petty bourgoise', all the time getting richer himself.
  8. I'll give you that she is middle-class - I dont have a problem with that, we cant help who bore us. If you read what she says you will see you is supportive of working-class people, but not those who choose not to work. She joined the army and got a commision; guys I went to school with did this, I dont consider them or my cohort upper-middle class. I had a working class upbringing and live in one of the most deprived postcodes in SW England. Brand is revolting, he squared up to a 'banker' who turned out to be subcontractor on a very average wage. He failed to respond the complainants rebuttle, because he is all mouth and no trousers. Brand seems unkeen to go for election, I take the reasonable view, whatever we think of government if we want to change it we need to do it via democratic means, not low-rent TV shows. My opinion of Brand mirrors your opinion of Hopkins, somewhat ironically. It would not surprised me if Hopkins also donates regularly to charity, who knows lots of people do it anonymously. As for terrorism, I work with a number of Somalians, they are as concerned as many of us are that the PC-governments of the last 15 years have allowed islamofascism to grow, unhindered in the name of liberalism - they feel terrible when incidents like today happen, they shouldnt have too. Killing a group of cartoonists because they exercise their right to free speech, seems like nazism to me, but when i want to discuss it I tend to get called a racist, god knows why. It's easy to think that Islamic Terrorism is still isloated, but the press blow it up to be bigger, but Belgium, UK, Germany, France and Spain have all seen some diabolical attacks against innocent bystanders. I don't think trying to normalise it is healthy. btw I don't sneeze and lose weight, but if we don't challenge obesity our kids face lives ridden with health-problems and much shorter life expectancy - it is timebomb and every discussion no matter how radical should be part of addressing the long term health crisis.
  9. I think she is a breath of fresh air. No politically correct BS with her. She wanted to prove that fat folk can lose weight if they want to, so she piled on the pounds and then lost it again (i lost 3.5 stone last year and when i got on with it, it wasn't hard). She represents a lot of folk who are hacked off with gobshites like Russell Brand. I have no problem with her denouncing the Islamification of Western Europe, I think we are on a slippery slope. It's worth remembering she only says things; pious idiots like Esther Rantzen talk a good liberal game, but said bugger-all when she knew full well Savile was buggering-all.
  10. Are you actually pulling the wheel back straight? if i was in any doubt, i'd seat the axle as far forward as it will go and then take it back a turn on each side at a time. The definitive measure being from the centre of the swingarm-chassis bolt to the centre-line of the axle. I can't help but imagine that as you are taking the slack up it's cocking-off to one side. Even chunky axles will do this. As pretty much every dimension, but the float of the axle, is fixed it is hard to see what else could be off. Of course you are there so maybe you are being deft and the problem is something else, maybe obvious - are the adjusters both in the correct orientation. Are any rear wheel spacers missing (rolled under a workbench, perhaps?).
  11. The ZZR looks great, but i'd have that RD everytime - it's got more soul in it than the ZZR can dream of, no matter what the dyno'd BHP. A former colleague is now in back in Kaapstad, would love to get down there sometime.
  12. Honda clearly agree with me: http://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/new-bikes/2014/december/hondas-supercharged-nc750/ This looks more like the route that future motorcycle design needs to go in. Boosted, efficient design sharing more with Fiat's TwinAir or Ford's EcoBoost. btw Katie, those italian things leave me quite cold - the Benelli looks good, but having ridden with a group and one being on the Ben, I didn't think it's chassis was 'all that' tbh
  13. I like the look of the Tracer. I have 2 concerns about this bike, although the second concern is more about bikes in general (except maybe the Honda NC series): (1) I did one of those Dark Tour rides on a regular MT09 and as much as it is a likeable machine the vibe at bang on 70mph in top would drive me nuts on the jaunts to the Alps. What were the NVH engineers at Yam thinking? Get the harshness up at the top end where riders aren't going to spend most of their time. (2) Yam and the rest (but Yam in particular with their many engine design partnerships with the big Auto-makers) need to fix the MPG issue. Whilst car engines reach big specific power outputs (1000cc=100BHP) with low rev ceilings and big fuel economy - the renault 900ccTCE engine makes 90bhp and will turn 60+mpg hauling the excellent Dacia Logan Estate car around - my Fazer needs double the revs for maybe 1/3 more power at the wheels and less than half the peak torque. I've got 57mpg out of it riding at a steady 60mph on the motorway, best I could ever achieve. Why isn't Yam harvesting all this tech it gets involved in developing to put a torquey, boosted, efficient engine (with knock control) in a chassis like this? No reason why range couldn't be nearer 260miles with some car tech hand-me-downs. Bloody hell put a 1000cc turboderv engine in, we could be talking 100mpg and still putting 80-100bhp out and a ton of torque. Like the Tracer but until Yam start looking at bettering MPG it isnt a big enough of a leap forward tbh. C- must do better Yam.
  14. Why do people try to bend the truth? all so as not to lose a bit of NCB, disgusting
  15. That's a very specialist request - you might be best looking on R1-specific forums; might also be worth emailing Bazzaz too. I neatly bought a bazzaz unit for my FZ1 (same engine family as your R1), but went the PC route as their are tons of developed maps on the forums for almost every configuration.
  16. D'ya know what, I keep thinking, should I or shouldn't I? It all depends on work, if I think next week is going to be silly, it's a no; but maybe if monday looks sensible I might come up.
  17. They don't know their arse from their elbow. I had a 'fine' off of them (unenforceable in court anyway) for not sorning, sent them a copy of the proof of sorn anyway (btw a judge won't hold it against you if it was mislaid) and told them any further correspondence and I charge them. A disgraceful 'agency', ran by chancers and aided and abetted by idiots in government.
  18. 5SL definitely fit, it's essentially the same engine, but as shaun said you need to carefully dint it to clear the sump - I know I did it. The 5EB headers do not fit, a few guys on the FZ6R forum confirmed it.
  19. Well i've just done 6000 miles around Europe and i'm now back home. Went up to Norway, rode Trollstigen and over Valdresflye (what an amazing road over a 5500ft plateau of boulder fields). Back down, and a ferry across the Baltic. Through the rising landscapes of Eastern Germany, over the Ore. Through Bohemia and Moravia, into Slovakia and Hungary and then onto Romania, to do the Transfagrasan Highway (and the somewhat dismantled Transalpin Highway). Back via the Great Hungarian Plain, Burgenland, Northern Limestone Alps and the Ardennes. plus.google.com/118407285248417287250/stories/f17efdd1-060d-38db-aee7-88721bc54739147fab1bd17?authkey more pics to follow...
  20. pilninggas


    I agree with Cynic, tyres are far superior to the old days. In the UK, I tend not to worry - but do have breakdown. When I venture into Europe, I have breakdown, but I always carry a can of goop tyre repair because someplaces are remote and it might get me out of a real fix.
  21. Valve clearances won't be cheap - it's quite labour intensive and get's spendy if shims need replacement. You might find an independent mechanic who will do it, but it may be better to get a workshop manual and do it yourself or with competent aquaintances. As far as I know, a big issue with the Ace is that the tubes cannot be replaced - which is why so many Aces change hands on a frequent basis and why so many run really badly. Sadly on the Ace and on late TDM850s, Mikuni interference fitted the tubes and you just can't remove them, if you could get them out, places such as allensperformance.co.uk don't supply replacements. If dynojet do a kit, you might be able to fit that, but dynojet kits are stupidly rich too. If you source a truly low mileage, known set of carbs, that may be an option, but you'll need to set the float heights carefully and give them a thorough and precise once over (ignore twats who say ultrasonic cleaning will fix them, it'll help but won't cure these issues). Overall they are great bikes, but these flaws really let them down. Probably not what you want to read, but there it is. Google exup 1000 for a forum that knows these things inside out.
  22. On the road, at speed, these issues are masked. I can understand why dealers might use a compression test to see if the valves are sealing properly, but I am not convinced it paints the correct story, the proper way is check each valve to bucket gap and this is why Yamaha specify this measurement. I am not saying the reg/rec is good (some voltages and load testing will easily show this), but these bikes are prone to running issues related to knacked carb tubes and valves not sealing - and they run like an absolute pig, at low speed especially, when they are both out. To see if the emulsion tubes are shot, try starting from cold with no choke; if it starts it's 90% they are gone and 10% the choke mechanism is sticky or the seals are blown.
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