Everything posted by R1evad
Darlings 2009 plan
Signed. THIS IS `KIN OUTRAGEOUS. Refering back to previous posts on VED, The CAR scale only starts for those vehicles producing 100g per Km travelled, which means there are a fair few exempted vehicles in the smaller engine classes. This style of tax banding was brought about to encourage people to run smaller cars and penalise the larger engined, less environmental friendly vehicles. As Virtually all motor bikes (if tested and quoted on the log book like cars) would fall into the lowest category possible and would, therefore be VED EXEMPT! THE ONLY REASON TO RAISE VED ON MOTORCYCLES IS TO RAISE MORE TAX AND HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANY "GREEN" AGENDA. As fuel, ved, insurance,road charging costs rise, there is a (glacial) migration, in the main, to smaller, cheaper options. To redress the lost income as a result of this, HM Treasury just passes the costs on to the new majority, ie smaller cars AND MOTORCYCLES. They did it with Diesel when it became more popular than petrol (remember when it used to be cheaper than petrol) They did it with the 10% income tax rate, (ask any one of the increasing % of OAP`s) DO NOT JUST SIGN THE PETITION. GET HOLD OF YOUR LOCAL MP AND ASK THEM TO JUSTIFY THE PROPOSED INCREASE!!
Rear Seat Cowl
Matt, try ebay, theres always one or two on offer. Just a waiting game to get the right colour / price / condition combination you want. For new ones, powerbronze, pyramid and skidmarx all do (or at least did) one for your year, but you will be looking at the thick end of a one`r.
Ferry Crossings and bikes - a bad mix?
To Peabody. There are two sets of TRAINS that go through THE TUNNEL. One sort is for passengers, who can go from the centre of London to Paris, or Bussels etc. Another set of "freight" trains take cars, vans coaches etc, but with the occupants still in them, like a roll on/off ferry. These go from Felixstowe (near Dover) to Calais in france and back. The only people going through the tunnel not on a train, are illegal immigrants most of whom get shot, mauled by the dogs or run over by the trains............(only kidding, they flood the tunnel twice a day when the tides change, most of em drown )
Hello all
Good to see another new full biker. Good luck with your new Yam, Keep it shiney side up!
YZF thundercat seat conversions
As I recal ther are at least three companies who offered a pillion cover for the thundercat. Skidmarx do a plain white one at about £65, and used to list each model year`s official colours at £95 Powerbronze and pyramid plastics also still list the `Cat, and thay are all slightly different shapes, so you have the choice of which you think is better looking. Try Ebay and the like for a 2nd hand cover, it Doesn`t cost a lot to paint it to suit. I did the same on a CBR600FT, and although not as good as an original stepped seat design, still looked a lot better than the standard park bench!
Idiot Ebay dismantlers
This is a classic. I was looking for a Cat eliminator for the R1 (underseat system) and was wathching one on ebay. A nearly new Akrapovic stainless item. I was outbid early on and it went on to make £135, with £10 p&p. The funniest thing was the listing below was an identicle BRAND NEW one for the (akra rrp) of £124.99 with FREE P&P Why would any one part with the extra £20............FOR A USED ONE?????????? As you say, one born every minuite (cripes, I hope the bloke who bought it isn`t reading this )
delay new bike test petition
Done and forwarded to some other websites as well
Seems we have help in the outside world! http://www.stgeorgesday.com/vote
- Hi all
HAPPY ST.GEORGES DAY On the basis the UK is made up from a collection of countries, which all have their own patron saint, why don`t we all have our saints day as a bank holiday? After all, there are already different bank holiday practices around the Kingdom so why not for this.
My R6 new chain.
You don`t need anything more special on a TDM than any other bike, but it does take practice and a keen eye. Two long dead straight planks or metal bars will do and a couple of blocks of wood (2x4 or similar) to rest the long bars on. With the bike upright ( on a paddock stand or someone standing astride it) and the bars dead straight, place a block of wood 2x4 or similar behind and across the back wheel and one in front of the front wheel, sideways to set the long planks onto. Align a plank running up each side of the bike, on top of the blocks, with the edges touching the front lower and rear lower portion of the back tyre, so they are parallel with each other. With the bars dead straight, the distance from the front tyre to the plank should be the same at all four points where it passes the the rear and front lower curve of the front tyre. Hmmmmmm.......It made sense while I was writing it, but I have a picture in my mind of what it should all look like I hope it makes sense, Good luck.
which tires
SB, What none of your own pictures? Nice to see Steve Hanging off like a gibbon once more I Dont Supose "ringer" will own up.. Recognise the style, but not the bike list
Hello, i am new (if you didnt know already!)
Get hold of your local yellow pages and look for motorcycle dealers / repairers. Plot all the local ones on a map, tape it to your tank and have a ride round. while you are looking for tyres, you will no doubt meet some good people on your travels and find a Class 1 MOT station (Car sites rarely if ever are equipped to do bikes) Ask lots of Questions, (but don`t make yourself a neusense). Checkout there prices and get some recommendations. There is not a whole lot of choice of rubber for this kind of bike, but a quality brand would probably be best, (get the best your budget allows) You will find it will be cheaper to have tyres fitted to loose wheels, but if you are new to biking, get them to remove and fit your wheels, and watch how its done (Handy for next time ) Also ask to have your chain adjusted at the same time, that way you should get everything lined up ok. Above all else, just get out and ride your bike, there is no better way of gaining experience. Good luck. Dave R.
UK, US and Aussie Police Officers
I hope they get the ones that missed deducted from their pay, what a waste
Hitler on BMW,s
They have left out the bit where he changes his mind........................... "Fall an habe ich eine Idee gehabt! erhalten Sie die SS, um die Weise zu führen und ich reite sie über dem Rand nach Polen, entleere sie und behaupte die Versicherung!" And thats what started the second world war! I always Knew them B.M.W.s were more trouble than they were worth!
A Big Hello
It`s all relative I suppose, got a mate in NORTHampton who hates the "Bloody Northerners" from Leicester Just thinking that we could get a Channel hop on the go in Summer, And Any where south of the Midlands is a good catchment area for a meet up and Continent raid for a day or two.
87 FZR1000 TOO old for Yamaha Dealer
DID you ever manage to get a set of crash bungs in Oz?
A Big Hello
Unusual to get a new bike "OVER THE MOON" usually come from under the counter, or over the internet Glad to see another new face somewhere near the south, stay in touch, and we can start organising some summer fun!
Exhaust Link pipe
Try Predator Exhausts in WELWYN GARDEN CITY http://www.predatormotorsport.co.uk They do all sorts of stuff, and make one offs if you are really stuck, probably not the cheapest, but quality always worth that bit extra. It`s where my R1 decat link pipe came from, to match standard headders and yoshi race cans Have a go on Ebay aswell, you never know what you will turn up.
myu new bike
Now all you gotta do is learn how to go round corners go steady young fella, There`s OLD bikers and BOLD bikers, but very few OLD, BOLD bikers
Virago 250
Try and find a 535, if you have them out your way. They have been going for ages and parts are abundant. as are aftermarket goodies. Much more use to you over the kind of distances you seem to need to cover, will be less stressed and cost hardly any extra to run. Try and get a ride on one of each and you will see what I mean.......It`s what I would go for, given the choice. Good luck with whatever you choose, If it has got tuning forks on the tank, you wont go far wrong!!
My bike is dead!
Taz, Let us know what happens with new plugs
First he chats, THEN he introduces himself
Give us a wave as you come through Hertfordshire on the way to Lincs
- Hi all