Everything posted by Beezkneez
Im single!
You've built it up too much now, god help you if you're an ugly bastard
saved a ton of cash this week
xlnt result m8
Croft Race Circuit
it's a fucking disgrace, stone the bastards!
pah, needs to be clean
- fs1e rally
Anyone own, run or work in a yamaha dealership, or motorcycle garage in the North East?
You need to speaking to the dealers on the Hill, I believe IanBell M/C's in Bedlington are a yamaha dealership and maybe White Bros in Darlo. WSB on Westgate road is a yamaha specialist, you could try talking to him. HTH Bazza.
One of the funniest sites online!
that's some funny shit
Off to see....
nah wasn't that bad ...honest!
Off to see....
ouch a bit late now bit battered and bruised...we had 5 circles going at once...now that's NASTY!
Off to see....
Tonight at the Newcastle(Metro) Arena...can't wait! Also they have Children of Bodom supporting them, so be \M/etaaaaaaaaaal!
bikini babes
all i can say is....At least they'd appreciate it
Any gamers?
Cod 4 & 5 atm and also Tiger Woods08 (all PC)
- yzf750r ?
- CSA forms
Site Update!
you may have to spank Mozzy for that one, but he hasn't been around for ages
Knobhead on my street
oh my don't get me started with my neighbour....4 simple words I HATE THE CUNT sorry to all the lovely ladies on here about using the C word, but that's what he is.
Site Update!
well said, anything goes apart from personal attacks, that's when the cane comes out
For those that were asking....
oh my
Threads now merged.
dvlc lost my records
Never once have I NOT had to produce my licence for ANY insurance, every firm I have used have insisted on seeing my documents before offering insurance. I know of people who have been in similar situations to yourself and have used their insurance company's copies of their own driving licence to convince the DVLA of their entitlement.
dvlc lost my records
why did you not just contact your insurance company, they would have copies of your llicence from when you 1st passed your test...would've saved a lot of money and unneccesary hassle
Im still a bit scared pulling out of junctions
one thing concerns me about this thread............ what fkn idiot gave you a pass on your CBT if you cant negotiate a simple pull away manoeuver? I'm not dissing your riding by any means, but should you really be on the road if you cant do the basic of moves?
o-ring chain, to lube or not to lube
(moderator mode on) Guys! let's try and keep away from personal insults, it will only lead to the thread been deleted and nobody wants that when a GOOD debate is ongoing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and collective knowledge is so much more useful than My method is better than YOUR method, nobody comes out a winner. I see good points in everybody's argument and maybe using BOTH or ALL will help everybody.
Someones got it in for me....
all I can say is.....Holy Shit Now if you had beating up some old beggars then all you would've had to have done was paint a few fences and they would probably throw in a few lines of coke to let you "chill out ma man!" what a society we live in, all the aces ran by people who've got no faces!