Everything posted by Beezkneez
i got a new toy
ffs Mozz, chavs are us
another newbie
welcome guys, we need pics
Early Morning Photo Opp.....
quality pics there Scott
they are EXACTLY the same calipers take them off, pump the pistons out and give them a real good clean using brake fluid, replace the seals and re-bleed the system...piece of piss and a whole lot cheaper
HEY BoozeHound!
sorry its late, been on my jollies....ye old bastard
Born banned
she needs a bit of geordie boy in her she does
Sierra De Segura Revisited!
omfg Pete, there's no EXCUSE for it
anyone going to stormin the castle???
i wont be there, too many wahhhh hooos for me i'll be saving for Assen WSB
- cbt
anyone going to stormin the castle???
hey guys they have a HUUUUUUUUGE rideout
sr125 backfiring
carb....air/fuel mixture
Throttle response
chain tension ?
fzr600r foxeye
yes, its like adding 3 to the back
Disconnecting the EXUP System
you will have to rejet your carbs now of course you could leave them the way they are and have no power below 4k and start pinking at high revs and burn your valves out. The EXUP system is there for a purpose, personally i wouldnt take it off.
seat lowering
my mate has his own leather business in Newcastle, he does seat alterations on Westgate Rd. 0192324450 DP Leathers
Chain Cleaning and Lubing?
i use my shotblaster to clean the chain, then take it off and boil it in cooking oil, then i hang it out on the line to dry, then i cover it in soap
- newbie
Sierra De Segura Revisited!
gr8 stuff Pete, looks lovely
It's Yamahead's 44th birthday!
sorry its even later...loads of work on but all the best mate
You and your bike
no....! its spanish built full of little holes bloody hell merv were you in the proclaimers ?
just logged in for the first time this month
quality mate
mobile phones for sale
quality Merv, is it true you only get out on weekends
I've pass my bike test!!
nice one John, hope it doesnt mean its gonna be another 2 years before you post again
have you got any pending speeding fines
i never go over the speed limit
about fucking time
like it m8, wankers like that piss me off. nice to see he got his comeuppance