Aye pepper " its a nice thot , its the adventurer in us eh. doing a trip on a small cheaper bike , adds to the "will it make it there and back" exitment,,
Search out Foamys posts " Ireland on a 50" read up on all the pro"s and cons , keepn up with the traffic is the biggest danger . it was ok for us in the 1970s, our DTs & RDs could out run most cars then [ VIVAS" MINORS" ESCORTS" MINIS,] but road speed is more hectic nowadays , so the little 100cc bikes get in the road of impatient cagers,,
Plan it tho, u might get a few takers, were plannig a" mopeds go West" this summer Cuple of Fs1e"s- ap50s. auld bikers reliving our past, But roads are quieter up here , than the rat race down south, >I remember traveling on M25 at MIDNIGHT , AND GOT STUCK IN A TRAFFIC JAM . dont them fkers go to bed i said to my mate,