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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Its back to sign in, then ERROR, ,, no one online etc,,,,,,,,,,,???????????????
  2. blackhat250

    RD 125 DX

    Get a dating cert, from aircooled club, then MOT, on the frame number, ,insure it, fill in the V55. FORM,, and send it away ,
  3. blackhat250

    RD 125 DX

    Whatya got for paper work ?
  4. Thats a new spiel from DVLA, ,,, , i will ask around,,,,?
  5. Good news boys,, the long range forcast, is high pressure building in from the north, same as May, from sunday 24th, june, 20+ degrees for 2 weeks,,,,,?
  6. I just built a RD125dx last winter , ,you"l nead a N.O.V.A. number, and a dating letter, [ unless you have the documents, -title,] then M.O.T, on the frame number, fill in the V55, forms.[ download them of dvla site]..
  7. If the weather is good,, this is what its like,,,,, put it on full screen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prWFHbfAFwA&index=2&list=FLpMTzkvRstHGbr-mwkBdgfw&t=22s
  8. I"v ridden one,, great bikes,,,never noticed the throttle glitch,,,the seats are a tad hard tho,, the new models are longer[ swinger] and 20mm more padded seat,
  9. Hi pedro " just watched your one man team, Ronaldo F.C,
  10. The hondoo will be lucky to see 105. a tdr250 will spank it, i remember jason kept with my H2. all the way to 110, ?,,
  11. Ay-up johnboy,,, post a piccy of the wee DT,
  12. Yeh simon" i"v riden one, wooden frond brake also,, dt"s are so light compared eh,
  13. hUH " AMON 2.4 MB,,,,,,,,,,, shite-enhousen
  14. I tried to log in with facebook, [ as forgot my password,] it then said " error ", contact us,, so i typed and sent , then i got logged in ,,, Seeems Ok tonight, 11/6/2018
  15. Its asking me to sign in every time ,between reading posts, the says there a problem, i have to send a message to get logged in ,,, cracking me up,,,
  16. Am layed up.. had to go to A&e, got Tetanus , the bruising and swelling is worse, , spoke to airhead , enjoy you weekend,,,,dam,,
  17. wHAT hosting site you using,,,,,, imgur is the bollocks, ,,,,pissbucket is the pits,,
  18. Fk me, a modern Triumph , i thought they were the boll?ocks,,,
  19. Fell down a man hole today, the fking lid was too small,[ septic tank]. flipped the lid i went into my waist. skint shins knees , toes, lid got me int he gonnads too, home licking my wounds, , dangerous bastard thing, i told the woman, shes put a slab over it, if it had been her ,she was a gonner,,, will see how i feel tomozz, stiffen up, and finding new scrapes toes inner thigh,,,
  20. No need to split the engine to fix the oil seal, remove the clutch basket, then the primary gear, then pull the old seal out, [ self tapping screws into the old seal walls. and pull] .. some models have a o ring on shaft also, . then push in new seal with a deep socket,,
  21. Seems to be a time issue,, show posts 1hr ago,, but its yesterdays posts, And Yamfan is the only member online,, keps asking me to sign in,, roll on monday,,
  22. dosn"t happen to me,,a m on google chrome,,,
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