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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Wow paul,,,,,, am down too, only 15st,6, trying to get into the 14st bracket,, for the first time since 1987. i bought a mountain bike, and cut the sugary crap too. ?
  2. Ha, jm,, i always carry i tin of that expanding shit,,,,, when is the gang down your way ,,? i see its raining over west ,,,
  3. For parts,, you mean ?,, ebay is the best place,,
  4. hI Jon, . my mate has the AS1 [125] Same erra, , . rare old twins,,,
  5. whats your route, tommorrow, ? ,you heading for braemar, ?
  6. Oh,, jim"... m in Forfar,,,70miles north of edin,, 110miles from you,,,?
  7. i THINK its dunkeld road , in Perth jim,,, travelodge,,,,
  8. Got your voicemail drew,,,,,i dont have your mobile number,,,,, i might make knockhill , its 1hr.15m south of me... lots to sort out tommorra, i will be on DT, AS THE rd400 run a main bearing last weekend,,, [ its built again tho, ] just needs plumbed in. , if i dont see you at knockers,,,,i will pop over to the hotel, sunday early, to see you off, if your going to Blairgowrie A93, i will run a bit with you,
  9. No t long now boys,,,,time you leaving,,? ,,,and arrival @ Dunkeld Road traveloge, ?
  10. Start with the fuel system,,, clean tank /petcock,,,, set the tickover and AIr screw to factory setting , ,
  11. Hi mika" thats some big machines,,,
  12. Hope kev dosn"t get fried,,,?
  13. We were over on the Isle of Mull, yest, 30 degrees, lovely, i hope it holds for you,. https://i.imgur.com/125TrUI.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fSV4IJA.jpg The Corron Ferry, , we camped next to the light house in picture, spectacular, and i saw a Whale, in that stretch of water, while walking early morning,,
  14. Welcome in steve,,,,,late reply , but the sites not been behaving,,
  15. bugger alex,, its back to the ERROR, again,,,,?
  16. Did you have a ticket . in the post code lottery, drew ? https://www.postcodelottery.co.uk/winners/article/02-june-2018-m30-8wp-eccles-ps3-million?ma=744&utm_source=ppl-news-p&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pl_email
  17. Same,,,,,,here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-=ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. For the frame , or the black tank model ,?
  19. Well tommo" since we invented near everythin , cant sort out the webthingy
  20. Thats the page i get jimmy, if you fil in send a message. it then logs you in, BUT, if you press the Home icon,,,, it logs you out AGAIN,
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