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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Hi steve" to remove the rod, i take it the clutch cover is off " remove presure plate- then the lifter[ mushroom] then use a long thin screwdiver to push it out,,
  2. Hi phill" it sounds like fuel starvation , start with cleaning the fuel petcock, [ filtre, somtimes inside tank] , pull the pipe and see if it flow good, it must be getting some but not enuff, after that its carb settup ,
  3. Good move grouch"o [ 2T that is, don"t be too hasty in stippn the engine if it runs ok,,, just buy the parts to recondtion her, and do it when you think it feels tired, I bought my H2 750. it looked dreiry, ran it for 3 years [15,000mls] before i did the Crank & seals, Thier simple to do [2 strokes] and cheap for parts, i have spare barrels and pistons for all my 2 strokes, as you can change top end in 1HR,
  4. Yuo say its needing a new carb" why, if its running ok, Anyway" on the subject of clutch drag, i found the clutch basket , the fingers were too tight together, ie as i installed the plates i had to push them thru with force,, now if there tight on the basket, even when clutch is disengaged " it will drag like fook, Solution= took out plates , buffed a few m,m off the side of raised sections. then they slipped thru basket nicely. = no more drag, if too mutch is buffed off plates = cluch chatter . probably were pattern plates, worth checking tho"
  5. Welcome coops" why did you move to Ireland? you must like rain, ,,
  6. Welcome Kenkan" best post them Questions in streetbike section, so others can see them , few members look in here, [ newbee section]
  7. Hi lido" your in the right place for Fz600 owners,,
  8. Grouch "o , you"ll drag this country outa Recession .Keeep up the nuisance threads ... Entertainment
  9. blackhat250


    Wheres Newman gone " 28th Feb,,,last active,
  10. Don"t giv up luke" two-strokes are easy fixed, how hard did you tighten it to strip it, ?
  11. Thats a pity jim" i gave up on Vans 10 years ago , costly ,unreliable , expencive to insure, Bought a Land rover, Easy to fix, tows 3.5 ton trailers , ladder rack, uses cooking oil [ summer] for fuel , i have a spare Engine, diffs, transferbox, shed load of spares, so its never off road , hasn"t boke down in 10 years,,,285,000 mls ,
  12. Ok " i take it its a cable were talikng about. get the cover off , and see if its actually working the clutch actuator, , An introductoin would be polite too,,
  13. Mmm" could be low oil presure" post up an intro, in the newbee section...
  14. What year was this, looks 1980"s , is that a FZR750...
  15. heres news. of 14th April. The HMRC C&E389 " Import Duty paid " Form is obsolete. They`re introducing a new system, with an as yet unseen ( !! ) Form called N.O.V.A. I`ve been in talks with the HMRC Project manager about this. ( Amazing, they do reply to enquiries !! ) And it appears We ( Importers of used vehicles ) Will be able te register tax paid onto their new system , on vehicles imported previous to 14/4/13 also. I`ll keep you up to date , as soon as I know anymore myself !! In the meantime , hang on to your old C&E389 form. As it has the details the VAT registered Importer will need to re-apply for an entry on the NOVA system. ( How long they`ll take to input the info , so the DVLA can see it and register a bike/car is a worry, but it will slow up Vehicle registrations I suspect )
  16. Welcome 41" . get the frame number on here ,the XS brigade will sort you, Wasn"t ther a neo natzi gang Combat38 or summat , ,
  17. Its all about profit " greedy sods at the top, employ cheap labour, they don"t want our expensive lazy workers, Was at football game last night, i counted 150 security staff,[ mostly africans] got spoken to one at half time , [ perfect english too] he said they get £6 per Hr. if you have a card, £5 without, Bet the Firm takes "£15 per hr. Exploytation at its best,
  18. Yip as they say " and pilot jet will be blocked, thats why you need choke to run, pilot jet is first 1/8 of throttle opening, before pulling fuel thru main jet.. How long has it been standing,?
  19. Hi there jdog" its an 1971 mini Enduro you have, The JT1 -L is with lights, has yours got lights fitted, .? Have a look at the dt175 , it maybe AT1- or AT3- [ it could be fitted with 125cc engine] ,, whitch is 1972/3, the DT175 A - 1975 is 443- 000 You might be thinkn the 4 is an A ,,,
  20. Aye Davie" thers a guy on here, and the DT forum, Paul Dawkins, hes a registered dating agent, You might need to fill in forms " classic vehicle made of classic parts" if ther is too much changes to the bike, ie- different frame - engine etc,, i did that , took my Z900 for inspection, [ got number plate wth bike] turned out was different frame A4 - engine Z1b. and number was from a nother A4 900. It was in A box when i bought it,
  21. Looks great dave" nice chrome, you"l need to M.O.T. it on frame number, then insure it, then all forms including [ import tax paid slip] D.v.l.a are about to change all this in April,
  22. Welcome billy" fire questions into the project or workshop sections,, as only the diehards look in here,,,
  23. Welcome david" take it easy on your first ride-out, get a feel for cornering, and watch cars at junctions , and rounda bouts, they WILL pull out on you, . At some time on your travels, ..
  24. it may have sounded to others that you was in a way pushing him away from this site? Exactly" in your other post, [ X750-E] you repeated "this place is quiet as a Grave" , Seems you spat the dummy after no one replied , Whitch" The rarity of the model , there are few able to answer, . but an answer came, just have patience, This is a multi model forum , so if its Attention your seeking , Move on, theres been members like you Before .
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