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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. great intro" i can relate to all that, same erra "
  2. Aye kev. planning to be back on saturday, may get ferrie to hull , then visit you lot..... be gentle wi Foamy...
  3. Hi out"boat,,, they"re copper aint they , is there a raised section,,? i would aneal it , and put raised side up, an intro in new members is polite..
  4. Am off tomorrow, heading for tonbridge, forcast shite for friday, so will be a biggee tommorow, 550mls from here. not sure of route yet, then rally all weekend , then tunnel on sunday, then 3 days ride to St.ropez . then andorra , if no breakdowns... shud test the Stroker this run,,
  5. Welcome TMT " pump will need checked over, remove it an see,...battery too will need charging..
  6. I knew he was a shirt lifter" wen he never rattled his jaw,,,
  7. Ok rich" this shudda been your second post, an intro in the new members section your first.. Good info tho...
  8. Looks sweet" i was out on TS250 tonight, and in town a KTM 125 supermoto tailed me , So when we got to the end of 30mph limits I nailed it .. left him fair bit behind, ... i was surprized, as he was blurting his 4 stroke up behind as we were trapped behind a bus.
  9. Al it does is cut the spark as you select gear. that drops the drive on gearshaft , allowing the gearchange. just change up without clutch, its quick enuff, mind close throttle tho...
  10. One other factor " How heavy are you ,,, 60mph will be tops, and remember Twinshock barrels are 4 stud . and MX 5stud...
  11. Superb " great story,,, thats what biking does,, Feelgood factor,, am just home been out in the dark, on TS250, 6 volt lights .. waS exciting stuff,,, warm here too , great stuff,..
  12. Good work newme" i did 140mls on TS250 last sunday,,, it ran a treat,,,,
  13. You need to up the main jet Airsick " go up 2 sizes , and check plug colour,,, you musta leaned her out on .w.open throttle, or have an airleak,,,
  14. Confusing " Whats with the name. has he changed it, or is it a double post ,,,,
  15. Welcome 10-50 " thers an article on TDM 850 in classic Mechanics this month,,,,
  16. No mention of choke atall tom,, / Get that pilot jet out ,, sounds blocked ...
  17. Aye steve, i bet its quiet when engine is cold " [ thick oil] its nowt to worry about, it is chatter, and probably a little wear on the boss centre bearing, renew the bearing in winter, also check drum for marks, where plates chatter against it, . smooth marks out with file, as they marks[ grooves] can cause clutch drag,,,
  18. Welcome SF .. get some pics of the DT,,, plenty threads on restoring DT"s in forum,,,
  19. Yip " made in Italy .. says it all
  20. Good move steve" i see you have the 2stroke Harley SS125... a guy in our sceme had one,,, orange with AMF on tank,,, it looked huge back then ,1975
  21. Kev will be skimming rims i hear at the big meet, fomeh" look out,,,,, Am planning to return to UK from south of france [ andorra trip] that weekend , so if all works out Shud put in a visit,,,
  22. Welcome chickenass" good first bike a stroker too ... remember to put 2 stroke oil in tank,,,
  23. 10.2 Secs,,,, thats R1 territory ,,, some truck, that
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