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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Aye lee" spoke to Grant Varnham at EXPO in birmingham N.E.C. on monday, i thought you"d be there.
  2. Hi mike" you must be gettin older" sit up and beg, is the first sign.
  3. Big difference " and that was neutral you hit, not a false.
  4. That was the emergency stop" like in your test, and , he failed. Forgot where the brakes were,, Dementia coming on
  5. Yeh felix" your making a grand job..
  6. It will be worn smithy, i take it the oil feed pipe is still connected to carb, as this would pull air thru, and give you a lack of oil too. If it neeeds choke to idle, i would strip carb, and inspect,,this way all joints can be checked too.
  7. As he says, get an eye test,, i"v followed drivers that brake as soon as an other car approaches , its dangerous . i need glasses at night, what a difference they make too.
  8. Its deffinatly that carb kim" the choke should kill it when warm,[ excess fuel] and having to spray to start cold, points to the choke system not working, in the carb bowl, there may be a deep well, the choke pipe feeds off this well
  9. blackhat250


    They look cool " but heard no reports yet,,
  10. Hi graham" your in the right place, look up member Wild foamy, hes a DT50 expert,
  11. = ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The sink ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. I would go new on the battery, example last week a mates Z1300 ,turning over [ quite fast]- weak spark. not an offer, hooked up a big battery, bingo instant start,,
  13. Hi liam " enjoy the forum,,, Just noticed " The Dirty inn keeper locked you out yest,
  14. Just to show you Drewps does have taste ,,,,one you"ve all missed,,
  15. RD400 . cheap http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201021389951?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
  16. Hi rod" felix is rebuilding a FZR6 , info will arrive soon,
  17. Hi - plane drifter" [ clint] / nice DT you"ve got,,, Are you Fawzi" shurly canna be 2 Greeks with DT175"s in 1 day,,,
  18. Aye-up Trooper, good on yeh ,, enjoy the forum
  19. Superb drew" have you seen the prices http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111257614795?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  20. I"d like to know what your searching for to find this,,
  21. Ok , the more turns out = more fuel.. your having to screw the idle up to keep her running, all points to A.= pilot jet blocked, or B. needs new battery,
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