This is impossible Pablo" you would hear the dogs clashing , if you clutch plates are stuck, its eitherstip it out and clean them,[ emry rust marks of the steels] Or, start bike in neutral , get front wheel against the wall , and bang it into gear, [ sounds rough but it works,]
That's normal. the oil causes friction, even in neutral, , the lever shouldn't pull up . there should be a smell bolt/screw 3/4 way up the case,[ near sprocket,]
Aye curt " you musta been a britt bike erra man , the strokers plague started about 1973 , british iron was naff by 1975,
They shot them selves in the foot with strikes & lack of foresight,
Ha Grouch"o , good to hear from you, if your not confident ,brakes are an important job,, get it done with the service,
And are they screeving the metal yet ? or you just seeing couple of mm of pad thickness,,
Sad news " ,, A couple on trailie bike hit car in city limits up Aberdeen , both succumbed , Its time of year tho, were all out more , chances are higher of accidents, .
But bugger it, am no waitin for my slot in the care home,, ,