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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. i was looking at a scott oiler on e-bay and that went for £59 plus £20 p&p making £79 my local bike shop sells for £69 .95 that what idiots we are up against I"ll second that .... was bidding on N.O.S. SPEEDO.. for DT. It went for $238 . £168. Waited a couple of weeks" same ITEM got it for £90. . So dont rush in , thinkn its the last one on the planet.
  2. ?...Nope im using a pushbike for the 7 mile daily commute to work Ha------Auld een [ O.G.O.A.B. Translation] Them yung uns rippn the pss fae ye / Well with all that exercise will we be seein the super slim fit Old git in the spring and just think the little DT Will get an easyier life [ be able to knock the monoshock back a few clicks]
  3. what would be the line up of bikes in your garage? So what's in yours? Well . iv got a soft spot for the old Kettle [GT750 triple twostroke for all u yung uns] or a kwakker KH750 /500 Checkout clips on U Tube esp the KH750 with after-market pipes ** DIG THAT SOUND
  4. (back when jesus was a boy), but when top gear selected it would die a death, Now then everthn said so far is spot on about higher gearing. we used to up the front spocket 2 teeth on husky for the Weston Beach Race. [flat oot straights] ,But W,foamy the husky 440 was puttin out 50b.h.p[ still pulled like a train]. Now little storey about gearing while in Weston 1982. WE HIRED A BI-BYCYCLE. [Twin-seater canopy thingy] Any way" thot we wud tackle a multi-story carpark. ..Let race at the big ramp got half way up [ the fkr was too high grd] so rolling back the bstd had a fixed wheel-..[ peddals were gona break our legs] so we yanked on the brake[ on the back wheel] Summersault in reverse*** wrecked the canopy . so we squared it up-- tied the torn material on it , left it at the hire shop door. AND RAN LIKE FUCK. Willie simpson went on to win the first Weston Beach Race the next day ... bruises an all .
  5. In one sentence, can you describe why you are a biker ? I've been trying and it's bl00dy difficult, so come on, lets have it,, why ? Love the smell of two-strokes [esp. castrol R ] cana get that be-hind a car windsceen.
  6. i guess i'm asking really, if you were a good rider, able to predict movements of cars, Yeh buddy u gotta go for it .. [ to hell with waiting for the incontinent pants] Juntions and cross-roads thats where the biggest danger is [ blind old car drivers ] ---- . slacken off before u get there. Yeh and iv done the full sumersault over the car at juntion ,, broken leg 1976. I was charged& fined-- the lady was comforted by police and nothing said... No compensation in them days, got bollicking from pigs and lift to hospital.. 3month old bike wrecked,,, [those were the days]
  7. Quick reminder for u travelers [ Gas up & the like] tmorrow night [sunday 30th.] Sky travel 9.00 pm EAST COAST OF AMERICA BIKE RIDE [ series] also on +1 hr if u miss it... lets dream of the summer months [-5 here]
  8. Awesome skill ... check the low presure in them tyres ,Max grippppppppp
  9. Ive been told to NOT accelarate while kick starting the bike because it "floods" the engine.. Is it true? Yip ----- if it dosnt start after say 6/8 kicks . turn off choke . then gently kick a couple of times--[ to clear cylnder of excess fuel] then kick stert as normal [ with choke still off.] if that dosna work . take out spark plug . -- [plug key in toolkit ] kick-over to clear cylnder.. put plug back in , try again . Dick heads will often pull plug-cap off & set it on top of plug . always check that first... Happend to me also away back in the 70s.
  10. I look forward to talking to you all and I'm sorry in advance for any particularly stupid questions/statements. Thanks for reading! Ed HI/ Dinna b sorry . theres plenty o" siily questions on here. at least your young [you"v got an excuse] fire the questions ; thers plenty of old wise Owls to answer them. as long as there intrestin
  11. I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my motorcycle next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the whole street when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my bike , that I noticed that the valve covers on my engine seemed to be leaking a little oil. Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the dealer? fkn brill --- i see u got ur priority right
  12. HI/ Sounds like the fuel is running thru [ float sticking] turn off petcock b4 shut-off c if improves..
  13. Aye the systems fked there even talking about lettin the prisoners out early [coz the prisons are full] But i have the answer u take 10 prisoners out the back every week,- shoot them,- bury them- Then they anounce on the tele that them cons have escaped. So the relatives are happy coz they think theyl make their way home[someday ] and we can empty the prisons in say a year, and we pay off all the officers. and save the country a fortune . eh wot u think shud i run for ELECTION [ By the was do the have intrnet in the prisons ] hope there not on here
  14. Well done laddie Just be cool for a start roads will be skittish at this time o year . roll on the spring Eh
  15. naw drew-p i picked it up in stokport [near u?] in the summer .my mate bought it of ebay.its garaged here so i keep it clean, rare to c two yellow 400s tho eh.
  16. blackhat250

    Crazy Biker

    FK ME.. Shokz .. mental.. but iv seen guys like that wen we were young ; they never got to see inventions like the internet BE -COOL Theres a lot of Life out there to be enjoyed
  17. HA- Drew-p mus-sta struck a nerve . what an outburst [ of jokes] YER NO RICHT IN THE HEED
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