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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. A lgreat little RS " have your flushed the tank ? heres great stuff ,,,Flow liner bio rust, its crystal"s perfect, will clean tank to metal,, www.flowliner.co.uk .its on ebay too .. cheapish..
  2. Welcome jimbo " Jammer is just up the road fae yeh,,, i tour the callander , killin, area regularly,, hope to see you b4 season ends,,, october up here eh,,
  3. Welcome jonboy" wheres you at ,,,? little more info would be helpfull in conversation,,,,
  4. Welcome 2ndtyam" a few xj600 owners on here , they"l keep you right with probs,
  5. Hi there " the pilot jet will be clogged, strip carb,, either ultra-sonic cleaner , or take out jets,, carb cleaner is also in spray cans,,,
  6. Listen to C.B.D. , his is the fastest 125 in the UK.
  7. Welcome sam " i like them FZR "s real classic"s.. i saw 1 racing yesterday at East Fortune racetrack,,,, cool
  8. Sounds like a bad earth chaz" how the battery also ,
  9. Welcome moo ta, Why not introduse yourself properly, before blurting in with a question ,,, thats why you have no replies,, Voltage reg,, or rectifier,,, more like, CDI is spark related,,,,
  10. Been thinkn rover" when you replaced preasure plate,, did you check if there was an alinement mark, [ dot or slash on plate, and dot on cluch basket,] some models have these..
  11. Welcome Rover"s , You shouda posted this in the workshop section, as this is newbee intro section, and will be over looked by the masses" ,,, As for the clutch ,, its a wet multi plate clutch ,, so oil sumerged it will be, wen you looked at basket, were theer grooves [ lines ] on the fingers, these grooves catch plates, and cause drag, file them smooth, or check adjustment, is it hydraulic ,or cable,?
  12. Welcome Swed" you cant beat power to weight ratio eh,, cars need a lotta horse to match even a middleweight bike...
  13. Welcome mark"o , best post up in wanted section, as these threads are for newcomers,,,
  14. Yeh auld een ,,, hers the biggest riot Yet ,,,,,, http://youtu.be/EW0356brnrE
  15. Welcome R.rocket,,, thats true classic the 750 , hold on to it ,,,
  16. Yeh brill pictures,, strange tho " the sky is a blue colour, and tarmac dry, is ther summat wrong with the pictures, is that common down ther,,,, our skys are permenantly grey, and bikes are on full wets, .. Gotta love the TS 250[savage] ,, and the gt380 that thot is was a twin,,, ,,, triples sound the Biz ,,,
  17. Yeh fkn rights" give them a bat Right up their Ass, Ther was two wasters up here tried to raise a riot on face book, there both locked up and NO bail . i mean , did you see them fkers walking free tnt, ,,, yah and they say its lack of jobs eh" a fkn teacher looting,, hes on £40k a fkn year , the greedy bastard,, Thank fuck Hadrians Wall is still standing , were civilized up here,,
  18. WElcome youngR1 " its winter over there isn"t it, i bet is warmer that our summer ,,,
  19. Aye young een" If its lifting too high, step on the back brake, thats the pivot point ,,brings it down again,,, don"t try too hard,, thers plenty power with an R1 ,
  20. I agree Wimi" ,, with your first post, , Its just i can"t get out on bike for bloody rain, i"v my bags packed from last weekend ,[ bishop Auk] rained all week end, so didn"t go.. Was gonna do Orkney isles this weekend, [ classic rally] and the rain is here, and forcast to stay till sunday, This is the worst summer in living memory up here, , av spoke to older folk & never seen it this bad,,,,
  21. Well what the f**<<,K is going on down south " gotta start beating the shit out these scumbags,,,, When i saw police , running away , it made me boil, i mean thev"e got helmets & all the gear, i would be into these bastards,, big time discus
  22. Welcome back lisa" there" been a few on here in need of a whipping,,,, , And bloody lot in Londonshire
  23. Went to a classic run [ Crieff ] Mostly british stuff , end up with 2 guys from Alloa , one on a A10 & other on lambretta 175 scooter , We had a blast, great run 195 mls , I rode the A10 beeza for a while. torquey old motor,, The other guy had the H2, he thot it was brill .
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