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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Sounds interesting ed" post up some pics,,
  2. Ha, jim, the original California is near Falkirk, i"v been there,, the settlers musta landed on the USA west coast,
  3. Yeh drew" your missing out, 26 degrees every day up here, this week,. forest fires,, its like California ,?
  4. Yip, its the stator next, ,,,you got a meter ?, test for continuity, heres the basics,,,,,of how it works,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W94iksaQwUo&t=92s
  5. We went half way over to the west,. the RD350 spat its newtronic iggy, we fixed it with a leather washer ,[ made from a keyring] , to hold the cam plate on, ..26degrees, traffic free roads,,- bliss,
  6. welcome in,, it gets better when you pass your test,, if you like your hot-hatches,, wait till you try a 100bhp bike,?
  7. Hi nick " , lots of bikes sumtimes dont find neutral , even if the light is on, is the position of the selector drum, just not quite in the correct p[lace,, my old 400 does it now and again, As for the engine light, it need plugging in to a diagnostic lap top , to clear the fault sensor,,
  8. Shudda been up here this week coming,, 26 degrees forcast,,, no rain for 2 weeks,,,,?
  9. Sounds like the regulator,, draining, l that new battery musta been duff, when the battery is fully charged , run the bike, ,then check the voltage, running and not running, disconect the battery over night, see the voltage, [ in morning [ before reconnecting it, you"l need a meter, = ebay £10
  10. No,,,,,,ordered new glasses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe then,,?
  11. Na jason " hes in the central belt = civilization,,,,,,,,,,,Am in the land of = unlocked doors at night,- leave keys in the ignition , and sheds open all day and night,, without intruders,
  12. Nowt happening drewps,, no link , or owt
  13. Ok up here, must be you southern Belle"s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,put a shilling in the meter?
  14. Thats the law in now, historic vehicles [ 40 years old] dont need an M.O.T, and are already Tax free,,,?
  15. Hee" the cheek,,,,,,,,,,,hows notts, i worked ther in1989, Sneinton area,, near fruit market , ,
  16. Wild foamy did a big bore kit on these,,,, hes in the R,AF, not been on for a while, , search for his posts on this, in archives ,
  17. Search on you Tube, loads of vids on 12volt conversions,,
  18. Texas Tea" ,, nearly mike,,,,,we didnt own a tele, mid 1960"s. saw it on the neighbours,
  19. Guten abend " try dropping the needle 2 clips,[ leaner ] and screw out the airscrew a turn, should run cleaner at altitude . As for 12 volt [ lighting] you can rewind the lighting coil with more turns of wire, these 6volt coils put out about 9 volts anyway, before regulated, Oil that is" BLACK GOLD" ?
  20. Imgur not working on this site .now ..?
  21. rare picture , of the 2 i built,https://i.imgur.com/lQxknUp.jpg
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