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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Welcome J. ray-cyrus , ,thers plenty virago boys on here , post up in classic section,,,or they m ay miss this,,
  2. I think thats pure Ethinol benny, can be mede from wheat too, While were taking about south Atlantic, There was an old woman from Ezores Who"s c**t was all festering sore"s The dogs in the street used to eat the green meat That fell thru the holes in her Drawr"s
  3. See yeh foams" anyplace warm, >?
  4. The chinese will bring out summat, , they don give two hoots who they offend, as long as thers money in it ,,
  5. Welcome scotty" is the DT kept inside ? get a can of Wd40 , keep it with you , untill the issue is fixed,
  6. Tesco are to cook them well done from now on , called it the Black beauty"
  7. Very detailed info" will help future buyers, The term Star is dragstar i take it, or midnight star ? as he says get some piccy"s up
  8. Fk me " your lungs musta been tar coated, What sorta Firarms you got, , gave up shooting 5 years ago myself. As for fags" [ cigarettes sash" not gays ] never liked the taste , and coughed my guts up,
  9. Will we see the "AFTER" photo"s before we reach retiral age .... I"v done the H2 built and running , carbs are stricking, opened them up , green glue residue, fk me i used it all last summer, and took carbs off in october, they were cleaned last january, Wtf is in that fuel now, abandoned the strip , as fuel on hands in these temps is a no no. Ts250 tear down will begin this week if snow prevales ,
  10. Welcome chippy " the Warrior is a big mother...
  11. Carry a small can of WD40, When on runs , untill the problem is sorted,
  12. Ha newman" my mate is restoring this very model .same age. i will enquire to see how easy parts are availible,
  13. Welcome paul " weather will have dampened your big day eh..
  14. blackhat250

    1974 DT 125

    What a great storey " Check the slide is in correctly , undo the throtle cable, , , how does it idle cold ? thers a rubber also on carb top, seat it , check intake rubber, air leaks,,
  15. Welcome care;ess" thers not much of a powerband. but shud rev to the redline, check you fuel cock is clear, and airfiltre,
  16. Post up some piccy"s Dan , is it the gold or blue...?
  17. http://yamahaxj6.proboards.com/index.cgi Welcome matt" heres the Xj link, admin are members on here,,
  18. Spike " thats a dealer issue, thats the downfall of modern bikes, they design them so they make a killing off after,service diagnostics etc,
  19. Fkn ell paul " your dicing with death, And Foamy " ther should be an epilepcy warning on that signature.. 4" of iced snow here, been since monday, and looks to be here for a while,
  20. Welcome emanuelle " loved your films in the70"s , great in depth intro too , ,
  21. Is it a diaphram carb?,, if so check the rubber for pinhole, if its a screw top, make shure the rubber gasket is seated, And it sounds like diesel locomotive
  22. better get an intro posted monster" and be more specific - model and year of bike it off,
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