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Everything posted by blackhat250

  1. Dirty" i ran a 190 . but compared it with the 205. and looked same bore. [ i thinks its been drilled,] it was bogging on W.O.Throttle, .so have put in a 160 tonight, and took her out the road , no bog now, easily 70mph, pulled plug , [b7ES] . Its near perfect,. will monitor colour every time on it,,,
  2. Welcome adam " post up piccys in projects,,, and keep updating progress , ,,
  3. Goodpost dick " very helpfull for other owners,
  4. What a Scorcher " good to meet up again,,, paul" hows your ring " . Rattle snake DT.... great ride out, them fizzy"s were bored , and a few YB100 engined, Carl " it was a more up-tempo ride home. they were at 60mph some times,, oh drewps " i took carl on that corner[ him on that chest of drawres] where you gubbed me 2 years ago.. . Missed you tommy, we dint get back till 6 pm,,,exsasperated with the heat,,,Newman" the TS250 ran great, even raced the superdreams,[ honda"s] but not the 400s, will try photo bucket, [ its crap the now,,] oh trip home was clear roads , i think everbody was watchin the tennis,,
  5. Sounds like the XJ750 MAXIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM8hrN6qBvc
  6. Ho ho patrick " be good to see yeh,, , i think we be on the A1 this time, . your not on the DT are you...
  7. Only Car Dicks have blue/ white. headlights "
  8. Good shout lads " , if you cant get there b4 11 Am sat , we"l be out on ride- out, prob be back 3pm ish... Carl " see you fri night, gonna pitch up on upper park paul , as have trailer on, leaving 9.30 am Fri, so be there 4 pm.ish.. FORECAST hot,25 degrees,,,
  9. Welcome shakey, good intro.. post the question in workshop, as newbe posts will bury it in this section,,
  10. No stat " there supposed to be straight, , the lurch you are on about could be rivets on clutch basket excess play. Clearance " check the leanth of both pushrods, and is there a ball in there ?
  11. Welcome damo " post up in workshop section,,, and giv more details of bike,,,
  12. Yip " .. with Scott50ss. of the 2stroke forum,, ... be there 5pm fri.. forcast Hot hot.
  13. Welcome gravy G, " after 100mls or so. thats strange, what condition is the chain ?
  14. Bloody ell " thers a lot of runs this year,,, we"l see nearer the time,,,looks good tho.
  15. Under -inflated tyres usualy,, or rear brake,, or rusty chain, or wheel bearing,
  16. Aye tommy" airhead and i , will be at fs1e meet,, be good to see yeh,, ,, there is also the Aircooled RD rally, same weekend ,, ,
  17. Aye salvage" try cutting 1 inch of the HT lead , and refit plug cap,, ,
  18. yip" am with cynic" it ran after battery& turns[ usa for indicators ] were removed, i think points gap will have closed , as its been layed up for years, the dry rotor will have worn the bacalite down,, resulting in narrow points gap.
  19. Did you check the petcock for flow,,,thats the first place to check .
  20. Welcome frosty " Some good rides up your way , head to Braemar it a bike haven...
  21. Hi maxim " 700 cc yam , strange size, is it a 4 or a twin ,,,
  22. Welome dave " goole " thats where wolfie stays, he and a few of us will be at Squires next weekend, fs1e run,,,
  23. Awsome Rex " i rode the Xt500 this week, there was a lot of vibration and suspension was soft, were they all like that, Yamahead will approve of your 600,
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