Everything posted by blackhat250
hey hey :-)
Hi gb" remember the piccy"s wen it arrives,,
rd350 masters and Gurus/ r-5/yr1 cross over.
Hi elliot , Members Pre-load &Mervin are RD specialists,,, they"l be along with answers .. or try the Aircooled RD club,,,
Ah shit, Speeding! :(
The resurection ,,, How it going beez, havna heard from you in a while,,,
Hey guys! :)
Greetings Kristev...
Speed after 1000km service?
She"l be run in now nifty,,,, Flatt oot ...
what have I bought this time
Tommy......fork off ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hi from Italy
Yeh " bad news ,,, your up an running again tho,
XT500 polishing a turd
Transformation " ---
BSB Oulton Park.
The 600"s was a great race ,,, Sealy an Co
Anyone manage to get out today?
Forecasts to be pissing all week up here, ,, and its the Blackpool rally [ K.Triples C] this weekend coming ,,. doubt i will be riding down,, Was out on the DT250 at weekend 60mls , am getting used to it ,, lot softer than the TS250 ..
Rd r r - the tale of 3 RD400's - More of a saga than a project.
Great settup newman,,, lots of NOS parts i see ££££
Yeh andy,, we always come back , been around the block my self , with other brands,, ,
ybr, engine change
Wiring loom differnces , injection = ECU.. and CDI conections..
BSB Oulton Park.
You turncoat ,,,crawler,,,,,,,,,,
The Good , The Bad , the South Africa
Hi M" the warning are - Everytime you bad mouth a Yamaha,, ,, good to have you aboard,, share your exploits with the resto..
Oil Light
The curse" The curse,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Why not just go to Razzle for the shirts to start with.. Am still in , if theres a solution ,,, Foamy" your to be shot , with a ball of your own shit,,,,,,,,,,
Greetings from the sunny Pac NW!!
Hi sam,,, N/W is where all the "Axe men" series are filmed ,wild country,,, thers a few girls on here, some from the states.. lots of FZ owners,,,
few impressions from my current dt restoration project(s)
Hell yeh " and nice it is too, [ dt125MX] the Whiteblue is a DT250 b then,, the colour thew me , it amazing the different types of rear lights on euro Dt"s.. i would like a Rack for my DT250.. like the 1 on your dt125mx.. Fawzi " that exhaust looks albino ...
Lots of fluid left in the spray can but no air fix
Aye " theyre was a guy up here, tried to make a barbecue out of a 45 gallon drum, That had -had THINNERS in it, Cut in to it with the angle grinder, And blew him and the roof off the garage,
Managed to have my first ride out !
Good on yeh shaun,,, thats a stunnin Yam that is,,
Uk/Berkshire FZ8 newbie
Welcome dan ,,,good choice the FZ,,,
New toy :3
What Honda"s matt ,, I never knew they sold that many ,,,
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
You poor NHS workers ,,,
YBR 125 type engine timing problems.
Did you check the valve clearance , after regrinding them in,,, as you said a nut fell in and jammed valve , i take it its rocker arm , and not OHC..?