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Everything posted by Goff

  1. You can hear it because its not a pure sine wave. Your average 40-49 year old can hear 15 kHz just fine, however the cutoff frequency for a young person can be high as 20 kHz or even 25 kHz, for a pure sine wave and for your average 40-49 year old 15 kHz - so technically they are right - but these ring tones are not pure sine waves so on the other hand its wrong. They are just annoying after a while.
  2. Goff

    GPS Mount

    Yep - RAM mount is the best IMHO. LOOKY HERE for the best place i know if for RAM mounts
  3. *picks herself up off the floor cos TT thinks she's right*
  4. I do believe i have said this several times on this here forum. And run............. you better be able to move like the wind......cos if i catch ya........
  5. TT? *tut* - you dont need him Changing gear - OK lets see if i can help You should really be changing gears when the bike is producing enough torque to give you the most efficient acceleration, basically when the engine "wants" a gear change. Timing is the hardest thing to learn when changing gear. You should be aiming to select a gear when the engine is running in a decent rpm range, which is usually the bottom of the powerband. You should only change when you need to change - changing to early will lead to insufficient acceleration which in turn could lead you to stall your bike. Too much and the engine will scream blue murder at you. You need to listen to your engine and get used to how it sounds. You say you might be changing too early - try leaving it a little later, see how the engine responds then. Its something you learn about your bike and not something you can do by reading a book or being told - you have to know your bike. However, here's a little rough guide that might help you - every bike will be different, but here are some basic guidelines for when to change up when you accelerate and change down when you are slowing down to keep the engine spinning in the desired rpm range: Changing points: First Gear: 0-10 mph change up at 10 mph Second Gear: 5-25 mph change up at 25 mph, change down at 5 mph Third Gear: 20-40 mph, change up at 40 mph, change down at 20 mph Fourth Gear: 35-55 mph, change up at 55 mph, change down at 35 mph Fifth Gear: 55+ mph, change down at 50 HTH
  6. Yeah - i guess you could get 75 out of it if you screwed the bollox off it - you have to REALLY push it to get that out of it. TT just doesnt like me being right
  7. Yep - thats about right. In good conditions (an possibly downhill) you may get around 65 out of it but thats you're lot. its a cruiser - not a pocket rocket - they aint built for speed me darlin'
  8. Goff

    Tom Tom Rider

    I have TomTom Rider 2 and the mount on this one isnt as bad as the first version. It comes with a full mounting kit with a choice of "U" screws to fit any size bars. You can also bluetooth your phone to it and play MP3's - has a rather snazzy Scala Rider headset which i found works brilliantly - i can hear it clearly even with my pipes being loud as fuck.
  9. Goff

    Tom Tom Rider

    It should fit onto your handlebars with the mounting kit supplied. If not you can buy these for your bike to fit to your fuel cap, However i would suggest talking to these guys about it. I called them when i wanted advice on mounting kits (i too have a TomTom rider) and they were brilliant - theres nowt they dont knowabout fitting sat navs to any bike: Clicky Here Give them a call - they are great blokes
  10. Cant you get those screen covers that go over the VDU anymore? They used to lessen the glare therefore lessening (and often eradicating) the strain. This might help too: VDU Health and Safety Regs
  11. Goff

    biker rage

    You know what - I would write a VERY strong letter to the Chief Constable, and cc it to the managing director of ASDA. I would also call your local press and give NAB'd a call and get them involved too becuase they wont stand for this (i have details if you dont). DO NOT let this drop. This was blatant discrimination against a disabled person, and i really hope you take it all the way. I will help you wrote the letter if you like - im very good at snottograms, but dont let it drop hun.
  12. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. RIP Peter, Ride free brother. xx
  13. Dont need to apologise to me - i use far worse sometimes
  14. Goff

    Site Update!

    Can i be the "official" forum spanker then?
  15. Goff

    Site Update!

    Fuckin hell calm down folks. Its got fuck all to do with politics or anything else like that and everything to do with having people online who can not only deal with the assholes and fuckwits that sometimes appear, but who can offer help and advice on all things forum related too. Having several mods who are online regulary helps the site chug along happily both to nip any trouble in the bud and also to be available to help folk who might not wanna ask stuff in the forum, and they can turn to each other if theres an issue they arent sure about. People are assuming that moderators are only there to sort out any forum fighting, but thats not the case. Theres been times when ive wanted to ask something about the site and i wasnt able to get hold of a moderator - ok it was early on in my membership and i THINK it was Beezkneez who helped me out, but he cant be expected to do it all now can he.
  16. Goff


    Why have you kept him a secret! All i ever wanted was a lil pug dog, but the OH wanted a huuuuuge thing so we ended up with Marv - but i luv him to pieces all the same. My next doggy will be a pug without a doubt. Oh and to get back on topic, why not just get a couple of disc locks, a hoofin big chain or two and an alarm - itll be a deterrent at least.
  17. Goff


    We have indeed - but whatbetter way to get you to post piccies of that damned cute dog of yours And he is - but yours is sooooo much cuter. And i cant have mine sit on my lap and be pampered either Good job i dont have nuts then.......damn that dog is cute!
  18. Have you been given any form of brace/back support of any kind? Might be worth asking if not. And maybe think about changing your bike to one that has a riding position thats not gonna nack your back every time you go out? Shitty option i know, but if it means you can enjoy biking pain-free then its gotta be worth it.
  19. Goff


    I meant PROPER big dogs al la..... As for the guns - i have THE most amazing pump action weapon you will ever see. It never misses....even 30ft away!
  20. Seeing as this thread is 3 and a half months old and the OP has only ever made 2 posts onthe site - i think you got more chance of Gordon Brown showing his arse in McDonalds before you have a hope in hell of getting any picces from them
  21. First of all make sure you look after that injury PROPERLY. Ive just completed a neck and spinal module and you wouldnt believe the amount of folk who aggravate their injuries by not doing as they are told by the doctors etc. My bike has been on the side stand fro morer than 2 months now as i havent had a chance to ride her, and she is normally ok. If you are worried put her on the centre stand, but every couple of days fire her up and let her tick over for a few minutes. When you are fit enough to ride do a service, change the oil, plugs etc and you should be ok.
  22. Goff

    Site Update!

    For that i apologise Hob nobs anyone?
  23. Goff

    Site Update!

    oh believe me i get out enough thanks - what i meant was common sense where posts are reported - its all to easy to hit that delete button. If they can sit back and think about whats actually been posted then they wont go far wrong. And i agree with you on the newbie front - but i do feel strongly that unless admin knows of folk who are perfect for the job (and i do believe there should be several new mods not just one) outside of the site, who actually know how we all tick, then a poll should be set up and let the people decide lol
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