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Everything posted by Goff

  1. They were probably checking to make sure your bike was road-worthy. ie: had tyres with a decent tread, the can was legal, etc etc etc. When they ask for a PNC check it gives them details of the vehicle, and they can do one on you too - and its not always immediate.
  2. Welcome to the forum. And allt he best for 2009
  3. Glad to hear you got it going again - fingers crossed this is a good start to a great year!
  4. Goff

    Miami 2009

    The OH and i have booked a holiday to South Beach, Miami on 29th June for 10 days. I was wonderingif any of our cousins across the pond live anywhere near there who might fancy meeting up for a beer or to show us the sights one day? Its a while off yet, but the best laid plans and all that
  5. Goff


    Happy New Year to you all. May 2009 be great for everyone, and PLEASE GOD BRING US SOME DECENT WEATHER!
  6. Goff

    Another thought

    Whatcha done then?
  7. Welcome to the forum Carl
  8. Goff

    Another New Boy!

    Welcome to out forum Dont forget to post some piccies when you get chance
  9. This thread was started back in 2007 by a troll. It was resurrected again in May 2008 and i did ask then that people please leave it alone as it serves no purpose whatsoever other than for folk to have a pop again. I for one am sick to the back teeth of it now. I personally couldnt give a shite what bike you ride - if you ride or have an interest thats good enough for me. And with that i am closing this thread for good. If you have a problem with that tough - its about time this was buried for good along with the trolls
  10. Sorry to hear about this honey - what a shitty thing to happen. Hope you're feeling a bit better now though xxx
  11. Goff


    Ooooh a Streetfighter! Post some piccies then - oh and welcome to the forum
  12. I have a bus licence - yeah i used to drive them Does it mean that i will have to also take the competance test and if i dont will i lose my entitlement? I obviously dont drive them anymore, but its good to have it on my licence just in case i need it - i can fall back on it if you get me drift.
  13. My own common sense tells me to ride with them on - my bikes an import so they are on automatically anyway, but i've always ridden with them on with my previous bikes - it does make me more visible than without them. Using the excuse he thought you flashed him is bollox - he did not look properly.
  14. Welcome to the forum Adam
  15. Goff

    Hi guys!

    Welcome to the forum honey
  16. yep i used them too when i had the bandit. I insured both the Bandit and the Dragstar 650 for £170 - and yeah im an old fucker too
  17. Seeing as you've asked so nicely and have actually taken the time to post a "hello" previously AND stick around longer than 48 hours - then no - we wouldn't think you're taking the piss - so long as you stop posting in capitals............
  18. Congratulations! Least now you got time over the winter to sort out your DTR and look for a new bike
  19. Thats a beautiful bike you got there Daz - and welcome to the site honey
  20. Goff

    RIP Nora Batty

    Oi....cheeky........i dont know WHAT you could mean......
  21. Elvira is well and truly tucked up for winter and wont be resurfacing till the weather is much better Im not stupid enough to risk wrecking my gawwwwjuuus bike on the shitty roads or get her covered in shite that'll just make her rot. Nope - i'll just polish and caress and kiss my baby until the sun doth shine again
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