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Everything posted by Goff

  1. Worse case scenario is you will get a ban and have to retake your test - usually they only ban you for over 100mph though but 90 in a 60 is a bit much - so i think you may be facing a minimum 6 month ban honey. Tallk to a solicitor now though.
  2. Im going to the NAB'd rally tomorrow honey - can meet up with you for a goss if you like? PM me your number
  3. lol!! Near nekkid riding huh - personal choice though honey, personal choice - just dont expect any grapes off me I shall be riding an Enfield Bullet round India for charity in January - my friend has one complete with sidecar outfit - fuckin mental things they are!
  4. Goff


    My dad's last tour of duty before he retored from the army was with 3 Royal Gurkha Rifles (no0w disbanded i beleive) in Brunei. They dont have the same rights as a British soldier, and are only allowed home once every blue moon. These brave men should be allowed to stay in this country - and it pisses me off that so many illegal immigrants are allowed to stay without so much as a bat of an eyelid, yet the Gurkhas arent allowed? Gordon Brown is a fuckwit of the highest order - HE SHOULD BE TELLING THEM THEY CAN STAY - after all he's supposed to be the fuckin Prime Minister, not some retarded puppet who has his strings pulled.......but then again.....
  5. Goff

    scaryy as.....

    Childish behaviour huh? I think most of us on here would class taking a girl on the back of your bike with no helmet and no consideration to what could happen IN THE RAIN rather childish........ Shall i tell you where to shove your diploma? I think you can guess though pal. I study at uni too - but it dont make me invincible, nor does it make me the all knowing oracle on motorcycles. However i do know that doing what you did makes you a prime candidate for twat of the year - a diploma well earned in my book. You crash as much in the dry as you do in the rain? oooooh how many times have we heard that. No one knows whats gonna happen when you sling your leg over a bike - and you sir, are no fuckin exception. You come on here wanting an opinion on your brakes, and think its big and clever to carry a girl on a bike that is unsafe with no helmet, in the rain at 1 in the morning, and you wonder why folk have a pop. Go away, think abou twhat you did and fuckin grow up
  6. Thanks to everyone who has messaged me asking me if im ok/where i am/what im doing etc. Ive been really busy past couple of weeks trying to get my dissertation finished - which is done, and handed in now - yaaaaay! I have exams starting 16th May so im now busy revising. I haven't forgotten you all, but its usual for me to disappear for a couple of weeks around exam and assignment time, but i am absolutely fine Ive also met wonderful man, so am having a great time at the mo Be back with ya soon peeps - love ya all xxxxx
  7. Goff

    Goff and more ink

    Here's a better one now its healed....
  8. YOU....Tt.....are a fuckin LEGEND
  9. Goff

    tit monday

    Far too many men out on their bikes distracting me. All that leather.......that tight.........arse squeezin...........glorious leather.......... Sorry did someone say somethin.......
  10. Goff

    Advice Wanted

    What makes you think you wouldnt get a fair deal? As OG said - put a reserve on it - that will ensure you either get what you want for it or it wont sell - simples
  11. Goff

    feckin unbelievable

    We've all done it mate. That Bandit 400 i had was a death trap. I went to see it too -but until you get them home and have a real good look - you cant tell. In the case of the Bandit - it was a death trap - and the guy knew us! Worse thing was the spacers missing out of the rear wheel! There were LOADS of dangerous things wrong with that bike. Cost me what i paid for it to put right. You'll get there so dont give up.
  12. No - thats tomorrow night lol - and thanks
  13. Goff

    Test passed

    Congratulatins honey - welcome to our world
  14. exactly the same. Dragstar is the european name for them - V-Star the american. My 650 had V Star onthe tank but was exactly the same as the dragstar
  15. Goff

    i'm back

    Jaysus honey - you have been through the mill. Keep your chin up though, plough through it and if you need to offload - we are here
  16. Sorry you are leavimg us honey but all the best xxx
  17. Get them powdercoated! If thats what flicks yer switch then go for it honey
  18. Absolutely pointless moaning about it - they changed a load of stuff on the eBay UK site for the worse - folk have done nothing but complain and moan, but it wont change back to how is used to be.
  19. Thats one sweet ride you got there Mits
  20. Goff

    Im single!

    There are more pics - in the members only section
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