Everything posted by Live to ride Ride to live
99% Finished - My Yamaha Monster!
Nice job youve done, you not find it a bit windy now without the screen though? Ive a 600 kwak thats street fightered and I find it alittle blowy over 60 uptill 120 then it calms down. Looks well, andyes a touch of the monster in it without the crap build quality of ducati. Nice.
All done
What a cracking finish Goff, your friend has done you proud. Beautifull machine, will look out for you. Bet she felt really special to ride. Bits from usa,. . . .shiny ones i bet. Enjoy. . .
R6 Insurance
Lmao, My insurance last year was 3500!!!! lol, thats for a `03 xj900, TPF and T, Bloody courier insurance eh, whod have it... . . . Now ive stopped for a while, its down to just under a grand. And im due a cheque back tomorrow from them because I aparently over paid. . . No sh@t!!!! 15 Years owning a licence gives you better chances of lower insurance,even if you do 200 miles a year, this is better than doing over 150,000 miles in less than two years, what i dont get is they dont take into account the fact you may or may not have been on your bike all the time. Im 31 and have had my licence since March last year, did over 90,000 miles on 125s in 15 months before that and have done a good 70-80,000 since June on two wheels. . . .make any difference to my insurance . . .NO! Enjoy your new bike mate and take it steady, the insurance man wont be your best mate if you throw it down the road. P
Diversion 900 strange issue
Hi all. Ive a 2003 Divi 900 too, 56,000 miles on the clock, runs sweet. I know what you mean with the slight hesitation in colder mornings, i had it a while a go, a touch of carb iceing possible. Check your plugs are good and tight enough, correct gap etc, that hole in there is a trap for wetness and condensation. Maybe because you bring it out of a warmer atmosphere into a cold morning your getting a little of this. Mostly i keep mine outside, sad yes, but garages near here are like hens teeth so she comes in the house on occasion when the weather is very bad. Hope this is of use to you. P
FAO: Live to ride, Ride to live
Does that mean because you have my name on your arm, I should by rights get yours on mine???/?????? P
FAO: Live to ride, Ride to live
LMFAO... number 42 an a 12 on the side. Glad you had it checked, that could have been a real disaster.
FAO: Live to ride, Ride to live
Lmfao, first time thats happened. In Thai.. does it have the sasme meaning?
Oh man what fools these people are. Yes great protective gear. . Id like to see the guys arms when he body boards down the road. As you said, time and place. Riding like that for a long period of time is bound to get you killed or worse. Hi all on this thread.
Tyre Advice ?
Hi matey. Yes the dual compound tyre is a good choice, had one on the back for last 10,000 miles, (two months), not mega in the wet, but not shabby really. All tyres have to have a certain grade before they are realised to the public. Others ive used are Conti sport attack, not too bad,even in the snow as I found out today when I went bike sledging, ive one on the front, they come 2nd rated tyre in the wet, even tho they arnt supposed to be a true wet tyre. Ive used Avon storm sts as well, plenty of rubber on them to start with, ive done around 30,000 miles on that type of tyre in last years summer,from June to October, they start to square off after 2,500 miles ish, very grippy wet and dry, but once they start to run down, seem to wear faster. The best combo I had was the dual comp Mich. on the back and an Avon on the front. People say you shouldnt mix tyres, and yes they may be right, but as I said earlier, they all pass certain standard before we get them. And its really up to you, a personal choice, what you plan to spend and what otherpeople recommend. As for buying them online. . . I prefer to ride in ride out, not that expensive, and tyres are similair in price mostly everywhere, online. . .no comebacks once fitted. . . Good luck. Hope i havnt prattled on too much.
stolen RD350
Ah man that sucks. . .Steal a bike goto prison. . .not as it is at the moment. . steal a bike and run away free.. . Il keep my ears open up here in Lancs. Paul
Evening all
Evening all
The ladies. . . . Duno mate. . .So far only seen 1 or 2 on forums. Squires. . .I occasionaly trot over there, its about an hour or so from here. I ride rain or shine. Since June 2007 ive done over 50,000 miles on two wheels and since Nov 05 around 200,000 miles on 2 wheels. . .its what I love. Last year I took a YBR125 upto John O`Groats, did 2000 miles on that, then gave it back, it was a insurance bike,my own at the time, an aprillia rs125 had been run over the day i was going. . . Now on big bikes and eating up the miles. . ever seen a touring biker with his knee down? How do . . to newbie biker, sounds like your having fun Ade,you must visit Devils bridge,Hawes and Squires cafe when you can.
Evening all
Lol drewster, chat up lines next then.. . . . You live in Yorks, just over the border to me. Plenty of great roads there, probably seen each other somewhere. Usually that passing blur on the other side of the road. You go to devils bridge. . . Hawes?
saying hi
Hi there. Welcome to biking. Stay safe, keep out of the gutter and dont try anything silly. . .it hurts!!!! Apart from that, enjoy and keep your fingers crossed for a dry warm summer. Keep your fork legs clean and tyre pressures correct. I dont know the bike, but have serviced others. Clean the plug occasionaly and for safety, make sure your lights,inc brake, work,EVERY time you go out on it, gives the idiot car driver no excuse of "Oh I didnt see you"
Hi to all
Hi all. Just a quick chat really, very busy like most. Im new to Yamahas, Ive had mine, a 2003 xj900 divvy since end of june 07. Shes been pretty reliable with just a faulty throttle sensor switch over the past 27000 miles, yes I did say 27000 miles.I bought her for the job and shes done me proud, I got 19000 miles out of a front tire! Avon storm st. Ive been to the four corners of the country and on some occasions been to 2 in the same day. The only issues I have with her is the top heavyness of her and the sloppy forks on country lanes. Apart from that A grand bike with reliability and capacity to carry. Does any one have any tips for this bike? All are welcome.