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Everything posted by grizzlydan

  1. grizzlydan replied to Rick600FZ's post in a topic in General
    Don't know if you got it sorted but when that happened to my fz600 it turned out to be knackered pick up coils.
  2. grizzlydan replied to Bunney's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nothing to do with popping wheelies then? By the way, WELCOME to the forum Bunney.
  3. grizzlydan replied to iamzeplin's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sounds like the dirt may be trying to clog the main jets too. Get your carbs cleaned & fit a fuel filter & should stop the problem. Also check the diaphragms in the carbs just in case they may be holed.
  4. grizzlydan replied to iamzeplin's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Sounds like you bought some dirty petrol (gas) & the dirt has clogged the idle jets in the carbs. Get the idle jets cleaned & it usually sorts the problem.
  5. grizzlydan replied to hobbo's post in a topic in The Bar
    Try checking the brushes. If they're worn past the mark on them, then you'll get no charge(by the way the colour is ok, it's what the stator gets covered in to protect the copper wire). I had a similar problem on My FZ600 & a XJ550.
  6. grizzlydan replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    R.I.P. to the Hurricane!!! May I add that we all have our odd demon, so let the man go in peace. He was after all a DAMN good pool player.
  7. grizzlydan replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    PMSL!! Sounds like the third man was my Dad! lol
  8. grizzlydan replied to tutter's post in a topic in The Bar
    The bracket you're talking about may not be damaged, the foot peg may have just rattled loose. You can tighten it by removing the bracket from the bike & tighten the allen bolt that passes through the back of the plate & holds the pedal & peg together (be careful as you may need to unhook the rear of the pedal from the rear master cylinder). Oh yea you might as well grease between the peg & pedal to make sure it works freely before tightening the bolt. Hope this helps.
  9. I have a 86 fz600 with k&n cone filters & can say that if you change to them up your jets by 2 sizes to stop overheating (too lean mixture), by the way the bike will have starting/running problems in wet weather til the bikes warms up & dries the filters.
  10. grizzlydan replied to up.yours's post in a topic in General
    Dunno, try it & let us know..
  11. vintagephil check your idle jets as what you're describing is classic blocked idle jets & airways. junker check your ignition switch coz i had the same thing & after a 5 mile push 2 a regular tea stall i go to (high beech) a friend told me about the ignition switches on these models & for some reason the backs tend to work loose giving a intermittent electrical supply. tighten the screws on the back of it or replace the switch will solve the problem.
  12. grizzlydan replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    It might work then!!! PMSL.
  13. grizzlydan replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    Foamy ,it did look like you started it!! PMSL
  14. grizzlydan replied to Jim659's post in a topic in The Bar
    Already a life member. Greater London MAG meet at the Ace cafe, to find out more just go to MAG homepage.
  15. grizzlydan replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    Congrats Goff, best wishes & happiness for your future together.
  16. grizzlydan replied to cegan09's post in a topic in Classics
    As Shed hermit suggests, check the inlet rubbers for splits & tightness to the head & also check the carb diapraghms for splts or even the smallest of holes.
  17. MOT

    grizzlydan replied to NEwin's post in a topic in The Bar
    Try here , this link should tell you everything you need to know.
  18. grizzlydan replied to garysb's post in a topic in General
    Depends on the start date on the new tax disc, as you stated the bike was sorn'd you could be pulled over for riding a sorn declared vehicle. Apart from that, the failure to display can be sorted by a records check by the officer over the radio. I had a similar problem last year when I was pulled over for riding a sorned bike & I'd taxed it 2 days earlier (over the counter at a post office).
  19. grizzlydan replied to infidel's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sounds like your oil level switch needs replacing (not doing it's job properly). Should be ok as long as you keep an eye on the oil level via the sight glass (or dipstick). Switches tend to need replacing at the age your bike is now (17 years old), my bike's 23 years old & i just know that i'm going to have 2 start replacing oil seals very soon, but being a lazy type person i'll probably leave it till it's absolutely desperate for new seals.
  20. grizzlydan replied to infidel's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sounds like your oil level switch needs replacing (not doing it's job properly). Should be ok as long as you keep an eye on the oil level via the sight glass (or dipstick). Switches tend to need replacing at the age your bike is now (17 years old), my bike's 23 years old & i just know that i'm going to have 2 start replacing oil seals very soon, but being a lazy type person i'll probably leave it till it's absolutely desperate for new seals.
  21. I find it funny that my FZ600's last 3 letters on the reg plate are WAH. LOL!!
  22. Oi, man U!!! Ya didn't wanna do that!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!
  23. grizzlydan replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Sounds like a load of crap 2 me!!! (possible pun intended, lol)... Meanwhile what happens when the 10 biodegradable bags run out??? Back 2 the old rally thing about dumping in bin liners?? PMSL!!!!! Mind you I am talking about the old days when you didn't have portaloo's or on site showers & better amenities (like you have these days, LOL).
  24. It's really nice up that way, in your third picture i noticed a wind farm. Is that the 1 near Tom's farm near Bwylch-y-sarnau? Been there many times with a youth project i worked for as a motocross coach. Usually stayed there a couple of weeks in summer & the odd weekend visit during winter.
  25. grizzlydan replied to Blades_2's post in a topic in The Bar
    eastern europeans & illegals that take the piss out of this country or Gurkha's that fought for this country?? Not a hard choice really.