Everything posted by Snakebite68
Hello from Brisbane, Australia
Check to see whether the baffle is still in your exhaust.
Exhaust studs
Take it to a mechanic. If you're not geared to deal with a snapped stud, let a professional deal with it. You're only ever one snapped bolt away from fucked with home mechanics..!
Battery connected in reverse
After the above, and solving the problem, put an in-line fuse in the negative terminal (I've found it saves a lot of problems for all sorts of electronics!)...
Dodgy swingarm...
There's always that problem lol. Mine will require aluminium welding on the gas can (IF it can be welded), I've bought the best one off E-Bay, if it turns out to be duff, I'm hoping the can is in better condition, so I can make one out of two... If it turns out to be in good condition, I'll get mine serviced and then I'll have a spare!
YOC Meet 22
Well, that sucks...
Dodgy swingarm...
I took the shock off today (strangely, almost as difficult a job as removing the swingarm!!!), the shock is definitely not a sealed unit, so I'm looking good there. However, it's one of those shocks with the remote gas canister (attached with a pipe), and it looks like there may be some corrosion damage to it, so it may be borked! We'll see how it goes...
Hello from South Africa
Hi there Heino, good luck with your project, and... We like photos!
Dodgy swingarm...
Just as an update, this is done... I took it to work and suspended it from a forklift in the shop just before Christmas! I was right to be worried, it turned into a bit of a pig of a job. The bearings were trashed in the suspension rocker (not something I knew I should be keeping an eye on.), once out, it turned out that I had a faulty rocker anyway, the central hole necks down in the middle, and mine was cast off centre!!! It wasn't by much, but it put pressure on the bearings, which is probably what trashed them in the first place. E-Bay and motorcycle breakers solved that problem with a new rocker that frankly looked almost brand new with perfect bearings still in it! Unfortunately, once all back together, it turned out that my rear shock has failed..! So, as a bonus question: Would I be better off: a/ Getting mine reconditioned (assuming it's possible)? b/ Getting a replacement from E-Bay? c/ Buying an aftermarket shock? I'm currently leaning towards 'b' AND then later 'a', which will give me a spare... Thoughts? P.S. WOW!!! EIGHT months later! I like the V-Strom, but man, I miss my Thunderace, this needs sorting out soon for the good weather! lol I think I'm gonna run the V-Strom over winters and the Ace for the nice months from now on...
Charging problem 2002 Yamaha xvs650 dragstar
The obvious answer would be a duff battery. But you'll want to check for shorts too... P.S. Check the main earth.
Yamaha XVS 650 Dragstar (1998)
In a situation like this, E-Bay is your friend...
Clothing Motorcycles | Leather Collection
Is there a point to this advertisement???
remote start help
Not that I know anything about this, but... It's got to be an immobiliser problem, the key isn't actually present, so the immobiliser won't be disabled.
Tyre Recommendations for VStar 650 Silverado
I've got Michelin Road 5 Tyres on my Thunderace and I love them. You'd have to check if they do them in your size though... But on further inspection, there appears to be a Michelin Road 6 now which has improved even more!!!
Just down the road from me, get yourself to Squires if you don't already lol. Do your DAS, then the YBR troubles solve themselves when you get a bigger bike!
YBR Air induction blocking
To be honest, I've no idea what 'air induction' actually is. However... If it's REALLY not required, then all you need to do is screw a bolt into the rubber tube. Problem solved!
YBR Air induction blocking
If you supply pictures, it would help...
Yamaha RD250E
You might wanna make a NEW post for this. A 12 year old thread isn't the best choice for the request! lol
Just joined
Welcome in!
YOC Meet 22
Could be interesting...
1984 DT50MX will not run
All hail the banhammer!!!
Last of the Twinshocks '78 DT175
They obviously do come apart, since he got his re-chromed...
1984 DT50MX will not run
This needs a ban...
H@nda reliability... Rant
Yamaha 650 ak running poor
Make? Model? Age? Modifications? Service history?
New member saying hello
And bios!