Everything posted by Snakebite68
Stainless Steel or Titanium bolts/studs?
Well, I've gone for some snazzy Titanium studs and nuts, as I said, I'll get the shop to swap them out for me so I don't have to worry about snapping one off! lol
Coils - be very careful
Interesting... The obvious question is: Was it a reputable website?
New member
I DO ride all year!!!
XVS650 exhaust
That's the sort of job I take to the professionals! (man they must hate me walking in... lol)
DT175mx poor running
Did NOT know this!!!
DT175mx poor running
How old is this bike? Is it old enough to be wanting to run on leaded petrol?
XS1100 respray
It looks right, I remember them that colour.
old pic turned up
Sorry, & cool! ...
XS1100 respray
Since you've not said, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Dark Red suits it much better than the White! (although, knowing my luck, the White is the new colour! lol)
Yamaha XVS 650 part identification?
Google is your friend... All I googled was "XV 650 spares" Then just pick one of the sites that show exploded diagrams of your bike. Once I knew it was part of the frame, it was easy...
Yamaha XVS 650 part identification?
Yamaha XVS650 DRAGSTAR 2002 Frame - MSP (motorcyclespareparts.eu)
Yamaha XVS 650 part identification?
What year, what country?
Hello all from Northern Ireland
Couple of Sundays and it'll be fine...
Newer 1978 DT175E owner (Colorado USA)
Welcome in...
Yamaha r1 2008
At the point where it doesn't start, can you bump start it?
Which oil
Try Yamalube 10W40 Semi-Synthetic... Fully Synthetic isn't a good choice for the older bikes.
LED bulbs for 2001 XVS650 Classic
Oh, and contrary to popular belief, you can't just stick an LED bulb into a incandescent/halogen light (even though they DO make LEDs to fit), because an LED bulb requires a different shaped mirror...
LED bulbs for 2001 XVS650 Classic
Not done it, but obviously you need drivers for them too. I'd personally look out for kits. But the first thing you need to know is: Is your bike CANbus (Controller Area Network bus)? If it is, you're in for a world of confusion! lol
Yamaha r1 2008
The problem may be that we get a lot of people coming in, asking one question, then never replying again. Might be an idea to go make a post in the 'New Members' area, introducing yourself & so on... It may be that we need more sentences and punctuation (my favourite), long single sentence rambles often confuse people! Or, it's possible no one has a clue (most likely)... Have you got any more information? It's pretty thin on the ground at the moment. Does the engine make any 'pinging' noises when you turn it off? Is it running at a steady temperature? Is there plenty of liquid in the radiator? In the 30mins or so that it won't start, does it turn over as normal? Or is there nothing happening?
Yamaha xvs650 Dragstar Classic 2001
Looking good...
Yz125 2003 transmission bearing
Yamaha 93306-30411 BEARING (fowlersparts.co.uk) £24 Yamaha 93306-30411-00 - BEARING (B6304) | Partzilla.com $29.97 Yambits : 93306-30411 for Yamaha bikes £13.99 That's just from a quick google search of the part number... Google is your friend (so is Yambits!).
Yamaha r1 2008
Looks like you posted this 3 times...
Ticking from engine
Duplicate post?
Yz125 2003 transmission bearing
Do you have the exact item code?
Exhaust studs
I want to swap my exhaust studs for titanium, but there's not a chance I'm going to attempt to take out 20 year old studs myself! lol