Everything posted by anyoldiron
A pair off FZR750RT s
Going to pick this up Saturday, 775mile round trip, anyone guess whats so special about it lts a 1987 ...............................................750
Yeah Baby
l went for the first long ride on the bike now known as ''Yeah Baby'' the other day, 72 mile round trip to have a ice cream. lt performed flawlessly, i can tell you it will do 86mph carrying 190lbs in certain conditions. Those being , neutral wind, very slight down hill, long run, lie flat on tank, legs directly off the back, holding left fork with left hand...................................Plod would not have been happy, especially since all the local ones are younger than me
RD350LC finished .
The quintessential LC, in the best colours in my mind, stunning job
End of an era
When i had my COs interview he said ''lts probably the last thing on your mind but XXX TA unit is looking for men of your caliber'' he was bloody right it was the last thing on my mind. There where times of regret (usually after about 10 or so pints) as a mate used to say at such times, ''go out into the back garden dig a trench, i will throw rook scareres at you hose you down every now and then, you can have cold food and i will make sure you dont get to sleep for more than a hour here and there and after 3 or 4 days we will have the same conversation'' That was enough. Being that my first 4 are 2472, that was rather a long time ago
1964 YG1-K Gear oil?
lts 400 to 450cc, i brought the manual. lf you need any details from the manual let me know and i will scan it for you
Now for something completely different
To be honest Foamy im a bit of a novice at this, this is where i go when im stuck ( which is alot) http://www.smokstak.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=5 these guys know everything. As for me near anything with steam could prove fatal to my bank account, i mean, whats not to love about steam engines!
New Top Gear
http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-36458510 No surprise there then,
Now for something completely different
Yes very rudimentary radiators, but do the job. They powered everything and anything from log splitters, to milking machines, to generators etc etc Here is the last evolution of the hit and miss engine, with a very basic throttle control
Now for something completely different
Been dicking around with my hit and miss engines
New Top Gear
They just showed the new Top Gear out here in the Colonies , l lasted less than 5 mins, Clarkson mimic in a squeaky shouty voice, tosser, Looking forward to this weekends episodes viewing figures though.
New Top Gear
l haven't seen it, but im not surprised, i was thinking that Matt LeBlanc would out shine that narcissistic twat evans. LeBlanc has that self debasing humour that is very English, and very funny when done right. lm interested to see what ''The Grand Tour'' will be like, if nothing else, they have the budget for it!
1966 Yamaha Twin Jet 100cc
IT LIVES. Again, no great magic worked here, carbs, petcock tank and odds and sods, if i have any claim to fame, its buying them right. i have the real detailing to do, clutch is slipping, most likely the usual, stuck plates, im hopeing some riding will fix it. These bikes are such a blast to ride , so ''honest''. l have no idea why they are not more popular here, i love these tiddlers, im mean, whats not to like! Some minor electrics work to do, new seat foam, and most importantly a new intake manifold, apologies for the shite video, filming not my forte
1966 Yamaha Twin Jet 100cc
Erm bollocks, way faster than a 250LC in all aspects, faster than a 350LC in every way accept maybe top end, and its a big maybe. And if they wearnt anything to come by, how come Yamaha (six years later) and Suzuki (four years later) both, copied the configuration and Aprilla used it.. As for dull, have you actually ridden one? To say that they dont have a loyal following is laughable to put it nicely. This is based on the FACT that i own all of the bikes in question and have spent the past few hours riding them back to back, not regurgitated speil i have read on the interweb. But i would be more than happy to hear your real life hands on experience, please share. As for Honda destroying racing, whaaaaaaaaaa, really , Honda is a BUSINESS, not a sport.
1966 Yamaha Twin Jet 100cc
l didnt want to mention the Honda, i haven't pissed any one off tooooo much yet. l haven't ridden it far or really hard yet, but what i have tells me that it will upset a certain model near and dear to our hearts in a big way in acceleration and in the twisties
1966 Yamaha Twin Jet 100cc
Anyoldiron has been left to his own devices again Picked up this luverly little original Twin Jet today, and a parts monster, with a boot load of parts. The red one will receive the usual love, dont know what to do with the green thing yet some $%^^%%#@ has cut the rear mudguard, so thats the end of original for that one..............................maybe a mini cafe racer in black, with silver accents, there, i said it out loud Cafe racer. Much wrenching will be done this weekend. ............................................and just in case there are any thoughts off ''the luck of some people'' i drove 1700 odd kms to do the deed The love is strong in this one
classic yamha dating in the uk
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha Me too, i thought ''l wonder what classic Yam ladies look like'' , goes to show the first port of call for the male mind, LMFAO
98 R1 fans come on at 238 degrees
l havent had to do it on the R1, as it never gets above 76 while riding, but there is zero traffic where i am, l had a big old boat of a ZX11when i lived in town that got hot quick and i didnt like how hot it got before the fan kicked in, i just wired in a switch so i could turn it on early. How is the state of your cooling system in general op, can you see the state of the inside of the rad, you might need a good cooling system flush
Road Racing
l think its called ''The warrior gene'', if you don't have it, you don't get it. l banned myself from the road for 10 years due to ''throttle control issues'', Back last year at the ripe old age off 49 on a R1, nothings changed accept im a little slower, and i put that down to only riding on the road 6mts of the year. The only thing that surprises me is that the nanny state hasn't put the kibosh to it yet. oh wait, its Sunday.
1965 YG1K
IT LIVES. l would like to weave tales of suuuuuuper Genius, but i cleaned the tank, petcock and carb and it fired right up. lm amazed at how smooth it is, zero and i mean zero vibration. lve ridden it about 5 miles, its quite peppy with forth gear being quite 'tall'. The clutch is slipping, stuck plates most likely, ive just raided evilbay, and got a baffle, brake lever, manual and gearshift lever coming, didnt realize it was a heel and toe shift until i had to change down, well thats what hands are for. The wiring will need some TLC, but nothing that cannot be sorted. Not done properly yet, will come up cleaner when im done.
Buying a 1988 FZR400
Buying a 1988 FZR400
......................im going to look at one of the above at the weekend, is there anything i should be looking out for with these bikes beyond the usual Cheers AOI
Tank lining
Yep, im with you drewpy, i brought the whole kit, ive read there are substitutes, but why reinvent the wheel to save a couple of quid especially if you are spending serious money on paint afterwards. l also like the fact that POR looks like 'metal' when its done.
Tank lining
...............................so being that this subject is one step away from a oil thread, i shall try and tread lightly. This is based on MY personal experience having lined about a dozen tanks. POR-15 is my elixir of choice, im sure they are others that work, this is the one i use and continue to use because it works for me. Today was a new one for me, i picked up a really nice 4000 mile GT500 the other week, it had been lined badly with Kreem, the lining had not covered the tank completely and had failed. So this time i got the POR kit with the tank sealer remover, i was a bit dubious as ive heard that this stuff is pretty much impossible to get out. So i poured the stuff in that looks a bit like proper paint stripper, but a little more viscous. Alfer it had been in for 15 minutes, the Kreem started to come of in chunks when i agitated the tank, after a hour (probably before to be fair) it was all off, i was surprised. So there you have it , my personal experinace...............for what its worth, i think a lot of the failures you hear about POR failing are due to the tank not being dry properly before the liner is poured in, i use a heat gun on a low setting for 4 hours, shaking the tank every now and then. Dont use a hair dryer, they blow up after about a hour, which will make you about as popular as using the dishwasher to clean parts and then the oven to bake on paint the morning before the War Dept has her mates over for some scoff and a stitch and bitch Just my .02.
Latest trick
Close, the last one is a H1 also (look at the clocks) the H2 is another never meet your heros, This is what i did with one i rescued, and then i rode it, they are scary alright, but theres good scary and bad scary, riding my R1 is good scary, slamming on the brakes doing a ton on a H2 is baaaaaaad scary. But i have a plan, 130hp Denco road race tune H2 engine into a 2000 ZX7R, im calling it ZH2R. lve made the subframe the motor will be 10hp more than a stock ZX7, and about 45lbs lighter, most of the weight is from 'high' im thinking it will be quite the tool in the twistys
I need help
lf you take the lock into a half decent locksmith they can cut a key by probing the barrel. My bloke does it for about 15quid and it takes about 10 mins. They have 2 ways of doing it, they have on-line records with all the #s (last one he did for me was a Z900) they take the number and cut it that way. He did that and it didnt work, so he took the lock apart and found some herbert had swapped the plates around. You have to understand these locks are about as simple as it gets for these guys. Also back then there was a limited amount of keys made, i think kawa had like 20 per year or something ridiculous like that. lf you dont have a good smith, just find a unit on evilbay