Everything posted by Malleus
Hello and welcome to YOC Fletch
real ejit who now needs help
What part of the bike hit the car? What visible damage is there? If you mean by 'squinty' that it feels like you need to correct steering to stay straight my first guess would be twisted forks, if not worse, or a bent handlebars. Not sure if there are better ways to test for these but I would put the handlebars in what you consider to be dead centre then look at the position of the wheel. To see if bars are bent turn them full lock left and right and see if clearance between bar ends and the tank is the same distance for left side and right. Could not tell you why it is cutting out though. (It is good to head over to the 'New Members Section' and introduce yourself as this forum gets a lot of people dropping by with a problem who never even stay long enough to say 'thanks for the advice' etc.. also in future you should definitely exchange details! You may feel fine, your bike may seem fine, but may not be the case a few days later!)
Merry Christmas to me
I was pretty annoyed but on reflection it is not so bad, only thing that is costly is the tank! but all I actually need is a peg to get back on the road. (Indicator even still works) I have no real idea how I hit the tank, the dent is almost on the top. All damage is mostly on left side, but for some reason right side mirror got smashed and left is fine. This is the second time I have come off. Last time I fell on my right side and broke my arm, this time left side and no broken bones. So hopefully now both sides are done I can have a break. Still have painkillers from last time, only bothered to take 2 previously!
Merry Christmas to me
So thought I would pop out for a nice ride this afternoon. Nice to get out on Christmas day when the roads are fairly empty and thought the weather is not gonna be great for next 2 months. Not entirely sure what happened beyond I lost traction whilst accelerating. This the result ; Past me - 'Do I want to pay £100 + for engine protectors? Nah' So looks like I wont be riding for a while. Think my pride is hurt worse than I am though so I guess that is good.
Need some advice please guys :)
thinking outside the box...
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
new member
hello Stevie
Hello there.. New member from South India
Hi Vhaaron, Welcome to YOC
Hello there
I'm guessing the other bike is out of shot, one for each foot.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
- My 1991 XJ600
Attempted scam
Well.... I lied, I found the energy last night. This time I took a different approach; That must make things difficult. I would say give me a call to discuss but I suppose that would be hard or impossible for you. All the pictures I have have been posted on the advert. If these are not good enough I can borrow my grand daughters camera and take some more next week. She has been helping me after my wife of 30 years died Earlier this year. I'm not very good at these things without her. In case your interested bike is only being sold as finances are really tight and currently having to live off the pension. I can barely afford to heat my home so having to sell some things off to help get through the winter. It is in great condition. I am however blessed with good health and am sorry to hear about your recent heart trouble. The bike is located at my grand daughters work place I london. It is a very central location for collection. She will be happy to help with this as I am not as active ad I once was. So maybe I don't make a plausible bereaved pensioner IDK - but if you read between the lines it actually says 'HOW MUCH OF A SCUM BAG ARE YOU ACTUALLY?' Apparently 100% as they replied with the same blah blah send me your details etc.
Attempted scam
So second message I have received about my advert... Great! please consider it sold as i am willing to pay your full asking price because i need to buy it for my cousin asap, i have read through the advert and i'm totally satisfied with it,sadly i would not be able to come personally to collect due to my hearing loss and I'm just recovering from heart surgery so I'm home-bound. I would appreciate if you email me with more photos (if available) since i'm unable to see it in person. I have a courier agent that would help me to pick it up at your preferred location after you have received your money and i'll pay you via PayPal today. Where is the pick up location so that i can inform the courier agent about it now? Hearing loss and heart surgery? *Yawn* Don't even have the energy to wind this person up..
Forum changes,
Not sure if it is same for others, 'edit profile' seems broken for me after changes.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Forum changes,
Old forum was confusing enough for me, As blackhat250 said. .. the change that perplexed me the most was the smiley button is now a link symbol, and the link button is now a 'settings' symbol No idea why..
Chipped paint advice?
Yea I am not worried about aesthetics (well I don't want to make it look worse) more about it deteriorating from water etc. I have found a colour matched paint marker so think I will give it a go, sure it will come in handy in the future anyway. Only £8.
Chipped paint advice?
Thanks for the advice. I have used these touch up kits before for bigger jobs. This hole is literally the size of one of the nibs of those touch up pens. But I had noticed a small crack forming - probably from me trying to pick it off thinking it was dirt. I am crap at painting and will likely make a fairly inconspicuous mark stand out a lot more. I'll have a go and try not to make a mess.
Chain lube... What's your opinions guys?
actually it does not mention any brands for the chain. (Though it does for engine oil) It just says use a 'special O-ring lubricant.' I would also assume it is fine, as I understand it, O-rings can be found inside the engine. So why they would be damaged by engine oil I'm not sure. (My bike has o-ring chain, not sure about the WR125x)
Chain lube... What's your opinions guys?
Not saying this is incorrect, but in bold in my owners manual it says; 'NOTICE: Do not use engine oil or any other lubricant for the drive chain as they may contain substances that could damage the O-rings.' - Perhaps this is referring to certain types of engine oil?
theory test
I arrived at a roundabout this morning only to find they decided to change the traffic flow to counter clockwise.. that was a bit confusing. By the time I leave work I wouldn't be surprised if it has changed again. I guess you may as well spend a few billion making a crappy junction worse, I mean what else are you going to do with all that money? Hopefully you don't get any surprises like this on your test route!
Chipped paint advice?
Just wondered if anyone had ideas on preventing chipped paint from getting worse? Atm there is a tiny chip in the paintwork. I imagine overtime with weather etc this will get bigger. Any way to stop this? I had a quick look around and someone suggested super glue?
Chain lube... What's your opinions guys?
I'm trying out s100 white chain spray. Used fairly cheap silicone based stuff for a while. Seemed ok until I removed the front sprocket cover to find congealed lumps of idkw.
May need help
Well suppose that is not a huge amount added on to the initial price if you are willing to make all that effort. Does sound like a lot of work, but good luck to you! Haha after seeing initial post I actually looked for a Honda Prelude with the pop up lights - not dissimilar to the picture you posted. I remember thinking they looked cool...
May need help
Curious, Does it not cost a ton to ship these? Also are these from reliable sources, I would be a bit worried parting with money for something coming from half way around the world. But yea very nice looking cars.