Everything posted by sunsprie
MOD 1 booked!
Well done mate! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Passed!
Tempus Fugit
Happy Birthday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Virago power trouble.
Thanks mate! Hopefully I can get it sorted, I'll do what ya said. it's gonna be my brothers first bike so want him to enjoy it without much hassle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Virago power trouble.
https://vimeo.com/125667180 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Virago power trouble.
It was up at mechanics and he checked things over. He told me the regulator was fine, I took the battery out and put it on charge. It had a full charge. I'm not much good at the ins and outs of relating bike or looking for faults. Bodge ht plug lead? I had to rubber round it to stop the spark coming through, I have a video but it's taking ages to upload. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Virago power trouble.
Hello everyone. My old virago 125 which I'm giving to my brother is doing my head in. First off the coil was sparking and I got it changed, when I got it changed the spark plug started sparking through the rubber, I put another thick part of rubber round it and it seems to be working. Although when it rains it feels abit dodgy going from first gear to 2nd, like it's about to cut out but doesn't. Now when I turn on the bike sometimes it's like the battery's dead. I have to run and start her. I put a new regulator in not long very long ago and the battery is fine. Any ideas? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
That is a good bit of money alright! Honestly though I get confused trying it myself. I thought I was great tightening the chain until I found it had to be aligned lol. Honestly though I do take it in once I'm showing. My local mechanic who is good and a friend some what. He charged me £100 for putting on front steering bearing and fork seals, I thought that was decent from what I here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
Yeah, gotta learn these things and save myself some money! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
Going to get it sorted today, I'm a complete amateur at this sorta thing. Best I've done to a bike is change the battery, always to scared of breaking something. I changed the oil once to, woohooo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
That's good news, the bike was sitting for along time until I bought it. I'll get it sorted tomorrow anyway. Looking back now I wonder how I stayed on a 125 so long, going up hill now is like I am floating on a cloud. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
Would that be dangerous or do any damage? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dragstar 650 white smoke?
Hi everyone, recently got a yamaha dragstar 650, first big bike after passing my test a few days ago. Just to let everyone know I am no bike expert when it comes to repairs lol. Anyway, been out in the bike a lot and notice everytime there is white smoke coming from up on the exhaust pipe, I've put up a picture of the location the smoke comes from. Is this normal? It happens when I'm on the bike cause I notice the smoke rising past the headlights and also for a while after I've got off the bike. Thanks for reading! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not actually sure what I done my test on lol, alls I know it was a sporty bike, felt really good though. Yeah my 125 felt puny compared to the one I've got now and the one I was using on the tests, but the 125 virago was my first bike. Had it for 3 years and really loved it lol. I'm now passing it on to my brother. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Passed!
Dragstar 650 heat question.
Lol yeah I nearly did that! The thing heats up like crazy, aslong as it's ok id don't mind. Hope you finger tips didn't get it to bad lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Passed!
Great stuff!! Any minors? Would you tell me what they were? Might help me look out for em in my test soon :-) I got a 2 minors for not using back brake when stopping, 2 for signalling and one for not checking blind spot. I honestly though I was gonna fail, he told me to follow the signs to a town called comber, but after I took the first turn to it he told me to ignore it and take his directions. At that point I thought I fucked up at the roundabout after the first turn. So I though he told me to ignore the free ride cause I messed up, turned out the traffic to comber was to bad so he just directed me on. So my advise is to keep going no matter what. Nearly had abit of a man gurn on the bike when he told me cancel the free ride and follow his directions which in turn I assumed I failed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
- Passed!
On road test tips please!
Thank you, your comments are excellent and really do help. I'll let you's know how I get on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On road test tips please!
Probably driving everyone nuts here but i was on a 2 hour lesson there, test is tomorrow. He said there was no majors but a few minors , he also said I was rushing to much. At the end he had another lesson so I didn't get to talk him. My question is will the intructer put a mark against you for taking you time? Mirrors,checks,final check move I feel take a while and did feel like I was maybe going a little to fast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tips on keeping new bike good!
See the the top spot lights I can turn them off with a switch, the bottom to come on when my dipped head lights come on, they don't light up much but they do come on. Will the be a problem for the battery? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On road test tips please!
Yeah it's really helpful, I tried to ride to work today they way I would for the test. Honestly the lifesavers seemed to be confusing me and putting me off a lot,I suppose it's just practice. Another worry is that the test is not in belfast where I live it's outta town in a place I don't know well. My test is on Friday, shitting it abit to be fair but I'm determined to get on this 650 dragstar I bought. It's killing me just looking at it every day in my garage! Good luck to you to mate! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On road test tips please!
Thanks folks! It's the looking safety checks I am most worried about, so basically should be looking anywhere that some one may be able to pass me? So is it, mirrors. Checks, indicate and one final check? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tips on keeping new bike good!
I'll be keeping them off then, I don't want to risk anything like that happening! They really cool though lol. There's also a skull which you can't see on the picture. It's on the front mud guard and the eyes light up, I best disconnect that too then. The guy actually broke his neck and couldn't ride it, said it was to heavy. Still for the amount of time he had it he still didn't clock up many miles. Shame for him as he was a really nice person. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk