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  1. He deserves to rot. SIGNED
  2. I just want to say thanks to Airhead, I moved my powervalve as he shows in his DTR derestriction thread and it 100% fixed the problem. The bike is crazy now! If you have any problems with your DT just go to this thread :
  3. the bike has about 5000 miles, I weigh about 70kg, sprockets etc are standard. Only mods to the bike are what I stated and I did them with the help of a guide. It did 65 before as it was fully restricted and standard. I'm starting to suspect that the reed switch is the cause of this as it runs as it should until about 50ish, and I cannot find anything else wrong with the bike :/ So my next move is to replace it I guess Otherwise I will check the plug TY for replying
  4. My 2003 DTR has an aftermarket exhaust system, bigger main jet, the reed switch is removed and the inlet manifold restictor cut out. So it is definitely derestricted and it flies through 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th but when I change to 5th it stops pulling Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am just all out of ideas.
  5. Dinomatt posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    I own a 2003 DT125R and thought I would join the forum!