Everything posted by captf
Tempus Fugit
Happy "+1 year's experience" day, guys!
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
But I like my kidneys. They've been with me through a lot of drinking...
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
I could buy a new kidney [if I needed one] with the money a digital torque wrench costs! youch.
Hey folks :)
I kept using my YBR for 5 months after I passed my test. I'm still unsure whether I actually want to sell it... Great little bikes. Welcome!
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
I figure I'd end up with 2 - one for the higher end, another for the small
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
Yeah, it's a Halford Advanced 90 piece set I have - as well as a 18" breaker bar [~450mm I think?] and a few advanced screwdrivers. I figure that you pay for what you get, and these are also highly regarded. Not Snap-On, but an affordable alternative. Got a pressure guage [those low-fi ones that just shoot out to the pressure]. Feeler guage is something I need though. Pliers and grips will be something to add. May get a small hammer too [to start]
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
Ah, I know the thing you mean. And no, while you can get an optional centre stand, an xj6 doesn't come with one as standard.
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
Is the impact wrench the one for putting on, or taking off? If on, is there danger of over-torquing? I'm guessing that for the XJ6, carb balancers aren't needed - fuel injected. Oh, and just realising. Another on the list will be paddock stands.
Building a toolkit - opinions on priority
Well, like any good biker, who wants to do their own repairs, the time comes to start building up a toolkit. I currently only have a selection of sockets and wrenches in the usual sizes, to do the most basic of work [which inevitably needs help in putting it back right again ], but what should I start thinking about getting next? What would be your top 5 [no need for all 5] of tools you make the most use out of? Order by priority if you feel. I'm currently thinking a decent torque wrench should be next on the list [but those aren't exactly cheap] Edit(s): So far we have, in no order... A fucking great big hammer Torque wrench(es) Impact wrench Feeler guages Pliers and grips Paddock Stand(s)
- Passed!
A danger from RLJs that I'd not thought about before...
From what I can gather, it confused them... The lights at the next junction are green [they alternate, so when one is red, the other is green], and they likely thought they should be following that light
A danger from RLJs that I'd not thought about before...
Here ya go
A danger from RLJs that I'd not thought about before...
I had a bus flash his headlights at me so long ago. I was turning right, and he couldn't be bothered lining himself up correctly to turn into the side road I was on. So, he stopped, at a stupid angle, blocking most of the traffic behind him, and flashed his lights. And motioned for me to come out. I shook my head and refused. He sat like that for 30 seconds, visibly getting pissed off with me. Of course, over this period of time, cars were squeezing past him, that would not have been able to see me. Of course, it would have been my fault, should a collision have occured.
A danger from RLJs that I'd not thought about before...
I've grown well accustomed to seeing Red Light Jumping [RLJ] cyclists while on the road. Those total and utter turd monkeys, who think the laws don't apply to them and are a statistic waiting to happen. This morning, there was an interesting outcome from one. As he flew past a red light perpendicular to a motorway on-ramp [where cars would very likely be accelerating up to 70mph...], he caused the car on one side of him, and the lorry [that was blocking his view of traffic that would be joining the motorway] to think the red light had changed, and they jumped the light too. It's only sheer luck that there was no carnage involved. For those that may know the area [Drewpy], this was where Regent Road joins onto the M602. Not the straight route, but the roundabout version. We [me, the RLJ and the other vehicles] had just come off Eccles New Road. I'll see if I can shove in a video of it later. [edit: oops, meant to put this in General, not The Bar]
On road test tips please!
That's a good thing. If you know the area, you may get complacent by anticpating wrong. Honestly, it shouldn't be confusing. You just look where you plan to go before you go there. All you're doing is making sure it's safe to actually move. "I want to move to the right" *look right* "It's safe, let's move". Or "I want to move to the right" *look right* "There's a car right beside me, that wasn't visible in the mirror. I can't move yet"
On road test tips please!
Or, think of the indicator as the button to fire your rockets down the road once you straighten off. Maybe you'll kill a chav with them! Yup, I'm childish! OSM/PSL Observation Signal Manoeuvre: - Position - Speed - Look Lifesavers normally come in just before you move. And in situations where you move position multiple times [e.g. filter lanes], do the lifesaver each and every time. One of our resident CBT instructor types can probably correct me on that, though
On road test tips please!
I believe it's only an instant fail if your indicators adversely affect another road user, otherwise it's a minor. But given you're only allowed 3 minors in a single box, if it's a constant thing, you'll fail quickly. Also, if there's any other traffic on the road, it can easily hit that "other road user affected"
On road test tips please!
Ride for yourself - don't wait for gaps big enough for two. If you get too far ahead, he'll just ask you to pull over where it's safe. Make sure you know where safe places to stop are. [e.g. not opposite a junction.] Whenever you want to change position significantly, do your shoulder check. Whenever you want to change speed, check your mirrors. If you see anything that could be a hazard ahead - anything that could cause you to change speed/direction - check your mirrors. Most of it's actually automatic, and you may not be aware you're doing it. Treat it as a ride through town with a human sounding satnav in your ear.
MOD 1 booked!
That's the hard part done. Now for the ride through town, with the very human sounding satnav in your ear
London motorcycle toll
I've driven my cage in London twice in my life - and been a passenger once. Both times were in the evening. All I can think is: fuck. that. Why anyone would want to commute through that cesspit is beyond me. I'd not be surprised if it'd be faster walking
anyone Been out today?
Was too busy getting drunk in Sheffield to take the bike out, unfortunately ):
Barnsley motorcycle festival
And I'm stuck in Aviemore for a friend's wedding... poopsicles.
Manchester Bike Show Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th March '15
Yeah, right you are there, lalla Twin exhaust should have given it away too. http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/products/motorcycles/cruiser/xvs1300cu.aspx A comfy bike still (: Shove some bar risers on it, and it may be one for me in a few years
Manchester Bike Show Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th March '15
So many bikes! Some of my favourites: The Vulcan was really comfortable and light. I'd want risers for the handlebars, though - to cope with my short arms. Actually, I'd want risers on all of the cruisers that I liked. I think this was a XVS950? It's an XVS1300 Same as the Vulcan - comfortable, although not as light. Some custom trikes. This is The Housemate and her boyfriend. We couldn't figure out all the controls. Although, the suicide clutch scared me. I actually like the look of the newer Striples...
29th March Rougleys Easter Egg Run
I can't - I'm heading up to Gretna with my brother, to see the parents :/