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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to ojmiddleton's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Best thing to do, regarding parking: find a traffic warden and ask them. Give a few situation on how you'd want to park up your bike, and see what they say. For instance, in Manchester, there are a number of designated motorcycle parking areas. We can also use the railings that are set for bicycles too. Annoyingly, I've seen bicycles 'steal' the motorcycle parking bays, and do it in a way that steals the spot for 3+ bikes.
  2. Yarp, I passed 2 months ago today (: And I have my cold, dead heart set on an XJ6 as my next bike. Mainly waiting, to see if I need to stop riding once the weather gets worse [it's England... it's inevitable that it'll get worse]
  3. Fortunately, something I don't need to worry about any more. Apart from still being on a 125, until I buy a big boy's bike [saving that until next year]
  4. If I can wake up on time, I should be able to come along. Is this the Tesco Extra just off the M60?
  5. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    No sense of adventure, I tell you! (:
  6. captf replied to ojmiddleton's post in a topic in General
    Oh, don't get me started on that one...
  7. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    As a noob to this forum, I keep seeing mention of t-shirts... Back story needed! [or link to post]
  8. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    It took me far too long to click to what you meant there... Far too early.
  9. captf posted a post in a topic in General
    Now, I've not been myself, but I understand a few of you liked the place and were sad at it closing So, in case you've not heard... check: http://www.loomies.co.uk/ One day, I may take the ride down for a visit.
  10. captf replied to ojmiddleton's post in a topic in General
    congrats, Rafen! Mod 2 is the easy part! Stalling on the slalom probably came from dumping the clutch while going too slow. People seem to think you need to go reallllllly slow on the slalom, when you can actually go at a fairly reasonable speed, as long as you keep your eyes straight [but not too fast, obviously]
  11. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Yeah, that's not me in the slightest... (:
  12. captf replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    Could be rising fuel costs are pushing people in that direction? [well, apart from the slight downward shift recently] But other costs... there's a lot more initial money involved in bikes now. Gear, CBT, insurance and a bike - it's not as if you can really get insured on your parents' [should they have one] unless it's a 125. So, it's taking people longer in life to be able to even get started. For age: driving since I was 17. Now I'm 36, and only recently got my bike license. It's not a hobby though, but a mode of transport [primary now, since I sold my piece of shit car]. Costs were one of my main motivations. And traffic jams. Mentally going "suckers!" to people stuck in queuing traffic as you sail between them is.. luxury Social media could be a bit to blame too for the shift in age - parents less willing to let their kids start [when the parents don't ride], due to a perceived increase in accidents. Accidents that they wouldn't know about if it wasn't for how easy it is to share news on t'interwebs these days.
  13. captf replied to ojmiddleton's post in a topic in General
    So... you're fluff?
  14. captf replied to ojmiddleton's post in a topic in General
    Test centres have the flattest, grippiest tarmac that ever flatly gripped. They're self draining too. There is pretty much nothing to worry about with the area being wet, because any difference it will make is neglible. It would only make a difference if it was icy and/or snowing. And if that was the case, it would likely be postponed. Basically: nothing to worry about if it's raining.
  15. captf replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    Some more figures for you. From this document Apr -> Jun '14 [chart appears to have the wrong months] Mod 1 tests: ~15,127 change from previous year: +17% pass rate: 70.5% change: +1.4% Mod 2 tests: 13,531 change from previous year: +17.4% pass rate: 69.5% change: -.4% Looking through other documents, at random, from https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/driving-tests-and-instructors-statistics Figures actually look up for the tests being taken and passed. I think it basically shows that the A1 is a waste of time - no-one is sitting it. They'd rather wait.
  16. captf replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in General
    Well, the A1 - as it stands - was introduced in January 2013, I believe? Before that, it was the automatic upgrade to unrestricted cat A after 2 years at 33BHP? When I sat my test last month, my trainer told me they'd put 1 student through the A1 test since the law changes. The benefits of getting the license just aren't worth it, compared to sitting on L plates for a couple of years, then doing the A2 At least in the UK, that is - mainland europe, I'm told that there is no CBT equiv, so you have to sit the test before getting out on the roads unsupervised. For the UK, it's a money grab attempt that failed. As an aside, how do the figures look if you merge in the A2 license with the A1. Then compare that to the 2012/2013 number above?
  17. captf replied to Andy P's post in a topic in Naked
    Completely depends on what you don't like about the look of on it right now. Decals could be an option, though. Simple enough, and can change the appearance subtley.
  18. gonnae no? (: And Congra Rats on the pass, Scotty!
  19. captf replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in General
    My motorcycle entitlement is confusing... So, I can ride a motorbike with power more than 46BHP, or I can ride one that's lower. Um, isn't that just "any motorbike"? I'm guessing they just tacked on the full A class description to an A2 description...
  20. captf replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not even all modern bikes have a physical kill switch, so I'm not sure if they're a legal requirement. For instance, on the YBR, it's a tilt switch - if the bike goes on its side, it gets tripped. I also see no [obvious] mention of it in this: http://www.motuk.co.uk/manual/mc_contents.htm How accurate that is, is another matter.
  21. captf replied to too slow's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    What do you plan to do on the other 364 days of the year, then? (: Welcome.
  22. captf replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in General
    Had you forgotten to put clothes on?
  23. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    we'll have to agree to disagree on this one Anyway. Accident update: Situation was not the driver pulling out, but her [4x4 driver] turning in. Housemate smashed into the rear near-side passenger door crumpling it, and was vaulted over the car. Afterwards, she was sitting semi-crying, going "my bike...my bike!" She herself doesn't even remember seeing the car until it was on top of her [doesn't think that it had its lights on...] Injuries amount to badly bruised knee, sore ankle and bruised shoulder. Definitely in the "could have been worse" category.
  24. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    "BUT in dual cariageway, you don`t have to give signal left because you are not allowed to stay in the right lane unless you overtacking or chenge the direction to right. after overtacking you MUST make lifesaver and you are not allowed to get back in the left lane unless is safe." Again, Highway code article 133 applies here. If you are changing lane, you must indicate that you are changing. If there is no-one around to require you to indicate, sure - don't bother. But if there is? Here's a scenario on why you should. 3 lanes, and you've just overtaken a car, and after a hundred feet or so, you pull back into the second lane without indicating. On the first lane, ahead of you before you moved back into the middle lane, was a vehicle travelling faster than the car in front. This driver looked around, saw that the second lane was clear enough to move into. Indicated, and moved into lane. They've now just collided with you because you made no indication that you were pulling back into the middle lane. From your description of the 3 lane road, I'd be inclined to say 60mph limit for that. Unless a sign has said "Dual Carriageway Ahead". Of course, if there's a sign that indicates a max speed, it'll be that. Speed humps: They're just "traffic calming" means. If there is no differently noted speed restriction, then if you feel comfortable going 30 at them, go 30. I do recall reading about your 50:50 filtering thing. Quite stupid, but I also recall reading something more recent which was better news in that regard, where more liability was placed on the driver.
  25. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    The first case - agreed. No left signal required [and actually using one is classed as inproper indication] Second case - just to be sure, I wasn't undertaking the van. However. This is a link to Google Maps showing exactly where it happened. Notice the signage for the road? At this point, over- and undertaking is a non issue, as the lanes are for different directions. So in this case, if you are in the right lane, and realise you need to be in the left, if there are any other road users around, you must indicate. No ifs, no buts. Likewise for right to left. Also, just to point out, my comment about the no indication for him moving to the left lane was an observation, signaling to me that this was a driver who doesn't care. Third case? To move from any lane to another on a motorway, clear signalling must be given. Again, no ifs, no buts. Failure to indicate can cause accidents, which at high speed can be fatal. The laws for indication count for all road vehicles - cars, vans, lorries, buses and motorbikes. There is no difference. And no, article 133 is not just for overtaking. There's a reason the wording is vague - it's because it's for any lane changes [unless exceptions apply elsewhere]