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Everything posted by KevtheRev

  1. Hello there , that's a nice little bike . I think they're good for 45-50mph . These bikes are increasing in value as they get rarer so I'd try to keep it as original as possible . Buy something bigger , cheaper and nastier and you can fix that up for when you pass your test .
  2. As the good book says - Walk softly , but carry a big stick , lol
  3. Well done the bloke in the second vid for chasing the psycho down . I hope they threw the book at him !
  4. I've had dopey feckers in cars swerve at me on purpose , bastards . They always seem to forget that they're only going as far as the next traffic lights before you catch up . Steel capped motocross boots can seriously mess up those expensive Mercedes/Volvo/BMW door/wing panels . Usually followed by cries (through the closed window ) of " I'm calling the police " , as you're getting back on your bike . Then wave goodbye with an upraised middle finger as he tries to read the reg which you bent up before you kicked the shit out of his expensive shitbox !! Haha , I miss being a courier .
  5. Ffff! Dunno Slice . It's not pretty . I don't think it's ever been washed in it's life , and of course it's a white one so you can see all the dirt with lots of plastic bits missing so you can see all the oily bits underneath . I'll leave the rest to your imagination . Matey's delighted with it !
  6. A more modern front end with a disc brake would be a good easy mod . If the forks are taller you can get spacers to lift the rear too .
  7. Does anyone know if the swingarm thrust caps from any other bike will fit the XT750 as I can't find any listed for it on Yambits ??
  8. Har har , Ah no , I won't piss on his parade . Why spoil the fun . I thought those Rotax V-Twins were supposed to be pretty solid as long as you keep up with the oil level/ changes . The lad seems to have picked up a bit of knowhow on this "build?" , lol , not sure if that's what to call the dogs dinner,so he'll be able to work on it himself . Anyway , got the front wheel on , fairly handily too . We had to turn the discs back to front , or was it inside out ? I forget , but instead of being dished outward they're dished in instead . A 20mm wheelspacer on each side fitted perfectly . As the discs are much bigger than original we had to make up plates to space the brakes out . These were made up out of 4mm plate (after making a template from a thick piece of plastic), machined to very close tolerances with the big angle grinder and lovingly finished with the bastard file . The lad played a blinder on those , fair dues . Off to the local engineering shop for stainless bolts and spacers , a tenner the lot , fitted a treat and well secure . The rear brake had to be shimmed in 10mm and that was sorted too , just have to rebuild the brake and pop it on . The wheels are now 17in front and an 18in rear as opposed to 21in front and 17in rear so the steering will be very different to what it was before . The front wheel also looks very wide compared to the rear , though maybe tyre choice could help on that score ? I hope it handles ok because if it does it's a fairly solid bike now and, although no different cosmetically , it looks pretty purposeful . I was going to say it looks a bit like a TDR250 or the early TDM , but that would be going a bit too far , lol ! Just a few bits and pieces to go back on now and it'll be time for a test ride . Hmm , I think we'll have to flip a coin for that one . And no , I won't be posting any photo's !
  9. I might just give the heat gun a shot before I go to the big guns . Drilled out the pin and the nipple came unstuck with a bit of heat .
  10. I have to overhaul this rear brake . The bleed nipple is seized and rounded off with vise grip marks all over it and the pad retaining pins are also in a similar state . Oh what fun !
  11. Right , new gasket arrived and was fitted , no leaks so far . She's getting there . Matey says he's buying an Aprillia Mille . Should be fun .
  12. Is it flooding because of a badly set carb float ?
  13. KevtheRev


    Oh , I wish i had a shed . Old Dad bought a lovely new ride on mower . I can see some bikes getting evicted out of his garage .
  14. The self cancelling indicator gizmo still works on the Bro's LC .
  15. Might be easiest to fit a whole front end including the fork clamps and the steering tube from a donor . Less fiddly .
  16. A length of plastic pipe of a suitable diameter is very handy for driving in new fork seals .
  17. Don't try to bend the lever , chances are it'll snap .
  18. I used stuff called " Multi Poxy Aluminium " , a type of two pack epoxy resin containing aluminium particles , to fix a hole in a KLR 250 crankcase . Worked a treat . A more modern front end with a disc brake would be an easy upgrade if you decide to go ahead with it . I hope you do, my first bike was a DT and they're a great little bike . I'd say most of the essential parts are still available .
  19. The usual Joe . Heat , penetrating oil , hammers, drifts . And if all that fails ( as it did last week on a mate's YZ125 swingarm and linkage ) get the grinder out . Best o' luck man .
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