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Everything posted by KevtheRev

  1. Sounds like camchain/tensioner to me . When was the oil last changed ? As above , get a manual . It'll save you money in the longrun .
  2. Well Foamy , let me know if you run out of stuff to keep you occupied . I've a set of Mikuni's from my LC project that need a right scrubbing .
  3. Hmm , tough choice Kiwi . Those are all low mileage bikes . Mileage in itself isn't a problem if the bike's been looked after properly . My old CB500 courier hack had over 500k on 'er and never gave any trouble (until I hit a rock on the road and cracked the frame ) . I'd be wary of buying a bike unseen and planning a long ride home , could go ok or it could turn into a nightmare . I did guess that the exposed pulley was for an exhaust valve . I'd be checking on how these bikes run without the exhaust valve . All things being equal , it boils down to personal choice . I think , if it were me , I'd've gotten the wheel alignment checked on the first bike , ( easily done with a straight edge or piece of string ) , and if it was okay I'd've taken the guy's hand off for that kind of money . And yes , those scratches on the pipes are easily covered with stove paint which can be brushed on and is very cheap . Best o' luck whichever you choose , and let us know how you get on , Kev .
  4. KevtheRev

    New ride!

    Best o' luck with her finners !
  5. A bad exhaust seal would be more likely to cause popping and backfiring noises . Always best to use new seals as they only cost a quid or so .
  6. She's coming together Noise , Took a while to track down a decent tank . Then I discovered one o' the carbs was from the 250 . A lad on one o' the forums swapped me a 350 carb for the 250 one I had . Carb is perfect except for the little nipple . I'll get something for it
  7. Hi people , I'm hoping one o' you good folks out there has a brass oil delivery spigot from a Mikuni carb (RD/DT etc) . I'm putting an '81 RD back on the road and one carb is missing this little nipple which I can't find new online anywhere . If one of you has one you'll have earned my undying gratitude , (not sure what that'll be worth to you , but I'll pay the postage as well ) , waiting with baited breath , Kev .
  8. Did you buy her in the end mate ? Nice one ! What was the pulley for ?
  9. Sweet ! , Looking good , theyre a great , tough little bike . Wish I still had mine . Theiving scum !!!
  10. There's a fair few over here too ! You can tell by the English accents . (Just Kidding , lol )
  11. No test pilots ! Unless they hand you the full cash money price up front ! Ever !
  12. When I was a courier I'd nod to other riders but if it was one of the other couriers the etiquette was to raise your right leg in salute ( saved taking your hand off the bars ) . I'm sure car drivers wondered what the bloody hell that was all about , lol .
  13. Sorry Jimmy but those pink ones are only for the gays . If you're caught using them whilst not being gay you will be disciplined VERY severely !
  14. Mate o' mine has one which was mint original , until he thought it would be a good idea to do some feet up wheelspins in the mud ! Can you guess what happened ? It's not so mint now ! Gobshite ! lol .
  15. Spotted this today , http://www.gumtree.ie/a-motorbikes-scooters/dublin/96-yamaha-fzr-250/1001594074120910319292009 ,. I sent the dude an email asking was it the original Yamaha powerband . If he replies I'll post it up , LOL
  16. Try switching the fuel off when you stop the bike . She could be flooding slightly .
  17. Nice pair o' man baps has he ? lol
  18. Hahaa! Posh Harley riders crack me up ! Feckin' dentists and solicitors! The only use I can think of for a Harley is as an anchor for a shitbarge !
  19. I had a 16 tooth on the front of my old 175MX and she'd still hoist the front wheel in 3rd gear , lol . I don't think you'll want to go much over 60 on those brakes and tyres though .
  20. Right on Meatloaf ! We never needed poncy Anti-lock brakes !
  21. I've noticed that "Dudes" (lol) on BMW's and Harleys don't seem to deign to acknowledge us lesser mortals . Maybe we're not cool enough . Always makes me laugh when I hear what they pay for servicing at the dealers !! ( It'd make me cry if I owned one )
  22. KevtheRev


    I remember borrowing a mate's dad's brand new Shoei Gardner Replica lid to go pick up a young lady friend . I never made it . It was drizzling slightly and I hit a strip of overbanding on a bend . Game over , Gardner rep destroyed and one pissed off mate's dad . Not a mark on my own crappy lid though .
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