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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. Greetings, according to my youngest I got back to bikes because of an old age crisis, the true be told when he started riding I realized how much I missed it, so I got back in the saddle after giving up some 20 odd years earlier when we started a family, Now I ride purely for the pleasure. Enjoy and stay safe Joan.
  2. That's a shame, I'd just taken to riding there.
  3. Greetings grog, Like Airhead I've never ridden one so can't help. Anyone older than me is most welcome here but you should give up work mate life is too short, enjoy and stay safe.
  4. Too right drewpy, that's just what I like to do. Popped out to see the old dragon mother in law this afternoon, then when duties over I took the looong way home, just followed my nose and ended up at Chobham common. Just enjoyed the sunshine and spoke to a couple of dog walkers and then took some nice country roads back home. Pitty I never finished cutting up the logs but hey I can do that tomorrow if I don't hit the road again.
  5. Greetings, Like your choise of bike, but then pass your test and get a bigger one.
  6. You know what they say " shit happens" keep saving the penny's slice.
  7. Glad your OK kev,I did something similar many years ago when I was new to bikes, I was in a very posh area in Surrey and ended up putting a big skid mark in somebody's manicured front lawn as well as my pants. Learned from that mistake and to be honest I'm still learning now. Stay safe mate.
  8. Don't the bastards another chance, lock it in your garage as soon as you get home.
  9. Sorry to hear that mate, hope your ok.
  10. Delux, does that mean it has a cigar lighter fitted
  11. If the devil could cast his net here what a catch he would have, Will do my best to join you all next year.
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