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Everything posted by meatloaf

  1. meatloaf


    After being a member here for nearly a year I finally know why I feel at home here and that's no bullshit.
  2. meatloaf

    Dirty DT ,

    Oh OK that might explain it.
  3. meatloaf

    Dirty DT ,

    Guys I was just wondering why blackhat posted a query about dirty DT in the random section,am I missing something here?
  4. I used to have a 535 a while back, it was fun to ride and I really enjoyed it but I would say go bigger you won't regret it.
  5. Wire coat hanger held my exhaust on my Fiat after the thing fell off in Barcelona, did over 2000 miles before I got back to UK and fixed it properly, it did rattle a bit but finished holiday and got me home ok.
  6. It seems that I can take anything on the road except tracked vehicles so I guess I wont be looking on flea bay for a Challenger. Mine runs out the day before I'm 70 and thats tooo near F**k F**k F**k
  7. Just bend over foams and pass me that bar of soap.
  8. Iv'e got an old acoustic guitar sitting next to me that I dug out of the spare bedroom about 10 months ago, used to play it 25 years ago but buggered if can play it now.
  9. this my buget might stretch to this http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/cliff89/media/newhd_zps8e08c2cd.jpg.html
  10. A few years back when I used to work in the defense industry I was involved in repairs for all the armed services, you wouldn't believe some of the shit that got sent back to us, a lot of lockwire used even for fuses.
  11. Think I'll pass on that, not my style and it will be way way out of my buget.
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